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Regional Accountability Forum February 2014. outcome context practice objectives Reflections on council health scrutiny in 2013 Council health scrutiny.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Accountability Forum February 2014. outcome context practice objectives Reflections on council health scrutiny in 2013 Council health scrutiny."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Accountability Forum February 2014

2 outcome context practice objectives Reflections on council health scrutiny in 2013 Council health scrutiny in 2014 and beyond Issues in your area

3 re-defining relationships “We believe that many of the White Paper proposals provide opportunities to fundamentally redefine relationships and behaviours between:  professionals, patients and carers (e.g. through shared decision-making)  commissioners and providers (e.g. through shifting the balance of power and capacity to change the status quo)  commissioners, providers and communities (e.g. through involvement and influence)  commissioners, providers and councillors (e.g. through political leadership and scrutiny)” CfPS response to Equity and Excellence – October 2010

4 whose challenge is the greatest? An efficient service that works for patients Treat the causes not the effects People engaged in their own health and care Transparency and participation

5 issues for health scrutiny Regulations (February 2013): guidance not published yet – what support do you need? function of council - continue with OSC or use other models delegation of powers – what about referrals? substantial variations – what is ‘local resolution’? Priorities with less money: health services, health inequalities or something else? councils’ public health role (DPH and Public Health England) proving the added value – remember Marmot

6 issues continued Working with others: health and wellbeing boards, clinical commissioning groups local area teams, quality surveillance groups Care Quality Commission – new inspection regime local Healthwatch prospects for joint scrutiny? CCG, Primary Care and Specialised Commissioning: NHS England ‘call to action’, 5 year strategy and service reconfiguration CCG funding allocations Impact of Francis and Keogh

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