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 Edexcel Exam board (  20% Listening (exam)  20% Reading (exam)  30% Speaking (controlled assessment)  30% Writing (controlled.

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Presentation on theme: " Edexcel Exam board (  20% Listening (exam)  20% Reading (exam)  30% Speaking (controlled assessment)  30% Writing (controlled."— Presentation transcript:

1  Edexcel Exam board (  20% Listening (exam)  20% Reading (exam)  30% Speaking (controlled assessment)  30% Writing (controlled assessment) Students can be entered for HIGHER or FOUNDATION on the listening and reading paper.

2 Unit 1 = Listening paper worth 20% of final GCSE grade. (F = 25 mins H = 35 mins) Target Language recordings with questions in English mainly. Total number of marks= 40 Unit 3 = Reading paper worth 20% of final GCSE grade. (F = 35 mins H = 50 mins) Target Language texts with questions in English mainly. Total number of marks =40 These exams will be taken in May/ June of Year 11 (20% of final examination mark and externally marked)

3  Concentrate on all listening and reading activities done in class – your son will build exam skills without even realizing it.  Learn vocabulary on a weekly basis to make sure it sticks in. There is too much to learn if it is left until a week before the exam!  Read/listen to as much in the language as possible online – the teacher will give some good websites.

4 Unit 2 = Two controlled speaking assessments lasting 4-6 minutes each and worth 30% of the final GCSE grade (15% each one) These examinations will be taken in Year 11 when the teacher thinks the class is fully prepared and ready for the exam. It may be necessary to record another assessment if the grade needs to be improved in order to reach the students’ minimum target grade.

5 Students must complete two different task types from a choice of three, these are:  an open interaction  a picture-based,free-flowing discussion  a presentation followed by a discussion.

6  OtY& OtY&

7  Practice pronunciation and accent whenever possible (as parents you can listen to the speech and prompt)  Many teachers in the Department record themselves reading the prepared speech/ dialogue for your son and this can be listened to at home. Please ensure your son does this!  Practice with your son and test him on the dialogue/speech.

8  Know all key past/present/future verbs and structures off by heart.  Ensure he is able to give a variety of opinions and reasons.

9 Unit 4 = Two controlled writing assessments of approx 200 words lasting one hour each and worth 30% of the final GCSE grade (15% each). For example a film review. A draft piece will be created in class and as part of a homework task, then written up in exam conditions just using notes and a dictionary. These will be assessed in second term of Yr 10 and the first term of Year 11. Another assessment may need to be completed if the grade needs to be improved to reach the minimum target grade.

10  Know key vocabulary and spellings so that he doesn’t have to use the dictionary too much.  Know all key past/present/future verbs and structures off by heart.  Be able to give a variety of opinions and reasons.

11  Know key connectives and time phrases to extend and develop writing using good descriptions.  Know key grammar points.  Use his notes well to be able to write up the planned piece of work.

12  Deadlines are set by class teachers and will be recorded in the journal.  Students can always speak to the teacher about issues with a particular controlled assessment.  Teachers are always available at lunch to discuss controlled assessments and to offer advice.

13  Coverage of all key topics followed by vocabulary tests to check that students are learning the vocabulary.  Lots of practice of exam-style listening and reading activities including past papers with feedback on grades, strengths and areas for improvement.  Opportunities to practice speaking assessments at lunch or after-school.

14  Test vocabulary (full list of GCSE vocabulary on Edexcel website).  Get your son to have a look at all the teacher resources we have created on the school based website at Fronter.  Buy a revision guide (Malvern guides are excellent)  Listen to the speaking presentation and time it.  Encourage your son to do small chunks of vocabulary building/grammar revision on various websites.

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