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My Country ► April 8.2013 ► This is my project about,,My Contry”

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1 My Country ► April 8.2013 ► This is my project about,,My Contry”

2 My Country ► This is my project about My Country ALEKSA RAFAILOVIĆ V 1 ALEKSA RAFAILOVIĆ V 1 8th April, 2013

3 The Republic of Serbia ► My country is called the Republic of Serbia. ► There are about eight million people. ► The capital city is Belgrade.

4 People in Serbia ► People in Serbia are kind and hospitable. ► Serbia is full of beautiful mountains,lakes and rivers. ► The most famous mountain is Kopaonik with its ski centre.

5 Kopaonik ► The highest mountain peak in Kopaonik is Pančićev vrh (top). ► Its height is 2,017m above the sea level. ► It contains largest and most beautiful slopes.

6 Silver Lake ► Silver Lake is a lake on the right bank of the Danube and is its former river channel that was closed today by two dams. ► It is located on the Braničevo region in eastern Serbia, two kilometers from the Great forts. ► Its average width is 300 m and an average length is 14 km. ► It is situated at altitude of 70 meters and it is 8 meters deep. ► In the afternoon millions of sparkles make its silvery glow, and that’ s why it is named SILVER.

7 The River Danube ► The Danube is one of history’s most constant bounds of the Roman Empire. ► The river flows through 10 countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine. ► -Length 2,888 km ► -The catchment area of 817,000 km2 ► -Navigability 2,414 km ► Navigation-period 1 st March to 25 th December ► -The minimum width of the Danube River is 60 - 100 m ► Light-water 2.0 to 4.3 km / h

8 Coat of Arms of the Republic of Serbia coat of Arms of the Republic of Serbia is a two-headed eagle

9 Flag of the Republic of Serbia is the red-blue-and-white Flag of the Republic of Serbia

10 Anthem of the Republic of Serbia: God of Justice God of Justice; Thou who saved us when in deepest bondage cast, Hear Thy Serbian children's voices, Be our help as in the past. With Thy mighty hand sustain us, Still our rugged pathway trace; God, our hope; protect and cherish Serbian lands and Serbian race! Bind in closest links our kindred Teach the love that will not fail, May the loathed fiend of discord Never in our ranks prevail. Let the golden fruits of union Our young tree of freedom grace; God, our Master! guide and prosper Serbian lands and Serbian race! Lord! Avert from us Thy vengeance, Thunder of Thy dreaded ire; Bless each Serbian town and hamlet, Mountain, meadow, heart and spire. When our host goes forth to battle Death or victory to embrace- God of armies! be our leader Strengthen then the Serbian race! On our sepulchre of ages Breaks the resurrection morn, From the slough of direst slavery Serbia anew is born. Through five hundred years of durance We have knelt before Thy face, All our kin, O God! deliver, Thus entreats the Serbian race!

11 Anthem of the Republic of Serbia: God of Justice-Serbian Cyrillic Боже правде, ти што спасе од пропасти досад нас, чуј и одсад наше гласе и од сад нам буди спас. Моћном руком води, брани будућности српске брод, Боже спаси, Боже храни, српске земље, српски род! Сложи српску браћу драгу на свак дичан славан рад, слога биће пораз врагу а најјачи српству град. Нек на српској блиста грани братске слоге златан плод, Боже спаси, Боже храни српске земље, српски род! Нек на српско ведро чело твог не падне гнева гром Благослови Србу село поље, њиву, град и дом! Кад наступе борбе дани к' победи му води ход Боже спаси, Боже храни српске земље, српски род! Из мрачнога сину гроба српске славе нови сјај настало је ново доба Нову срећу, Боже дај! Отаџбину српску брани пет вековне борбе плод Боже спаси, Боже брани моли ти се српски род!”

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