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Creating a Sense of Direction, Energy, Buy In, and Self- Management in our Afterschool Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Sense of Direction, Energy, Buy In, and Self- Management in our Afterschool Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Sense of Direction, Energy, Buy In, and Self- Management in our Afterschool Program

2 Being handed something already completed… or having a hand in the creation?

3 Why is it important that youth, staff and parents have a shared sense of the program’s goals, values, roles, ways of doing things, etc.? What can happen if these things are not shared and clearly understood?

4 Why is important that these things are “shared” What is the difference between Mission and Vision? What if we don’t all share the same values? Are we supposed to recreate our Mission, Vision and Values each year?

5 Why is it important that each of our roles are clear? What happens when we don’t have clarity? Who is supposed to decide what our roles are? What tools do we use to capture and clarify roles and duties? How can we ensure our roles reflect our Mission, Vision and Values? SupervisorsParents StaffChildren Our Roles

6 Why are policies and procedures important? How do they help children? Parents? Staff? How can we capture them and make them easily accessible? How can we make them living documents and support creativity? How can we ensure buy in? How can we tie them to our Mission, Vision, Values?

7 How can we measure success? What should we be measuring? Who should be measuring? How can we tie assessment to our Mission, Vision and Values? What’s the best way to share how we are doing? How can we improve, if we are not living up to our Mission, Vision and Values?
















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