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1 Labour inspection services in Belgium. 2 –Specialist and non-generalist –Taking account of the specific characteristics of Belgian institutions (federal.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Labour inspection services in Belgium. 2 –Specialist and non-generalist –Taking account of the specific characteristics of Belgian institutions (federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Labour inspection services in Belgium

2 2 –Specialist and non-generalist –Taking account of the specific characteristics of Belgian institutions (federal and regional services) approx. total of 1,000 social inspectors nationwide One labour inspection system

3 3 Federal Labour Inspectorate in Belgium 2 sections Labour regulations Social security

4 4 - Supervision of Social Legislation: (employees’ working conditions and pay) - Supervision of Welfare: (safety at work- health and safety measures) Para-governmental body: ONEm - supervision of unemployed with benefits F.P.S. Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (regulatory section)

5 5 F.P.S. Social Security (social security section) - Social inspectorate (legislation in a broad sense relating to the social security of salaried workers – subjection, VAT, occupational accident insurance, health and disability insurance, pensions, family benefits, etc.) Para-governmental body: ONSS - supervision of subjection of the work carried out by salaried workers.

6 6 C.L.S. (E.T.C.S.) C.B.E. (E.T.C.S.) I.S. (S.S.) ONEm O.N.S.S Criminal lawCivil law Labour CourtLabour Tribunal Forms of intervention

7 7 On a regional level, each region has its own labour inspection service Jurisdiction in terms of: Work by non-EU workers Employment promotion and assistance Accreditation of temporary employment agencies

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