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Zuzana Sarvasova National Forest Centre Zvolen

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1 Zuzana Sarvasova National Forest Centre Zvolen
Sustainable management of natural resources Possibilities and restrictions of rural development in EU Zuzana Sarvasova National Forest Centre Zvolen


3 Discussion How is your bussiness plan related to rural areas?

4 Policy coordination Sarvašová et al. 2010: in Policy Integration and Coordination: the Case of Innovation and the Forest Sector in Europe Editors(s): Rametsteiner, E., Weiss, G., Ollonqvist, P. and Slee, B.

5 CAP I. pillar II. pillar Direct payments RDP Market instruments Change
C. Folkeson: CAP perspectives

6 The challenges faced by the CAP
economic, ecological, and societal Its economic power as a provider of employment, its territorial anchorage, its attachment to a dynamic agro-food sector, and its contribution to the environment make it one of the major sectors of the European strategy

7 CAP 4 objectives Ensure food safety within the European Union including the public health Contribute to global dietary health to participate in world food safety and be present on the markets of tomorrow. Preserve the equilibrium of rural areas to maintain territorial cohesion and a localisation of activity and employment. Participate in the fight against climate change and for environmental improvement to construct an agriculture that combines economic performance and ecological efficacy.

8 Rural development policy in EU
RDP is typical cross-sectoral policy, which includes agriculture, forestry, tourism, development of local communities, environmental problems and others. RDP is a subsidy policy and presents a distributive problem, where benefits are distributed, so the involved actors could at most record relative loss that is caused by the forced withdrawal of possible funding sources.

9 RDP instruments EU level: strategic guidelines, the Council and Commission Regulation National level: Rural Development Plan which includes measures and the related budget the requirement to select from a variety of different measures allows the member state to focus the financial support on the particular needs of each country

10 Discussion What policy instruments would you propose to support your ideas?

11 Role of RDP OCDE and FAO: Agricultural Outlook 2008-2017
„the succession of adverse climatic conditions in the producing countries, but also to structural changes in the evolution of demand linked to the rising population, changes in dietary habits, and the development of biofuels“

12 Possibilities of RDP "competitiveness for agriculture, food and forestry" targeting human and physical capital; "land management and environment", providing for measures to protect and enhance natural resources. farming and forestry systems, and the traditional landscapes of Europe's rural areas; "quality of life and diversification of the rural economy" which helps to develop rural areas by promoting services for the public, micro-enterprises, rural tourism, and development of the cultural heritage; "Leader", which introduces possibilities for innovative governance through local action strategies

13 Limits of RDP European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Budget: € billion in the current context - need to prioritise and concentrate on important actions aimed to address specific needs identified, in particular in relation to: (a) young farmers; (b) small farms; (c) mountain areas; (d) short supply chains. EAFRD contribution : 85% of the eligible public expenditure in the less developed regions, 50% in the other regions. minimum 20% Implementation - Member States through National Rural Development Programmes

14 Happy IP!

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