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In consideration of MAPing

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1 In consideration of MAPing
Edited by Canon Roger Medley – Mission Forum, Bath and Wells from the work of Mike Chew MAP and Growth Strategy Facilitator Blackburn Diocese

2 MAPing Mission Action Planning
An outward looking engagement with the world around us Living the gospel–not just church activities Equipping & supporting church members to live out their faith as Baptised disciples. Action Focused, specific actions giving expression to God’s concern for his world, arising out of convictions, gifts, passion & sense of vocation Planning Being SMART specific, measurable, achievable, time and target

3 Mission? Mission has its origins in the heart of God. ‘Missio Dei’ - God is a fountain of sending love. This is the deepest source of mission. There is mission because God loves people. It is not the Church that has a mission, but the God of Mission who has a Church! In the new image mission is not primarily an activity of the church, but an attribute of God Ed from David Bosch Transforming Mission 1991

4 1 Corinthians 3:5-7 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe–as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow

5 All-By-Itself! The growth principle Growth takes place spontaneously
There is order and process in this growth All we can do is prepare the way and remove the obstacles to growth

6 How do we Grow? By being Healthy – in all aspects of individual spirituality and corporate worship/life Prayer, Holiness, Mission By sharing a Vision of Growth By working together – to use our resources effectively and efficiently

7 Too businesslike? ‘We are told that in order to be a good steward of the household of God, you have to be a good steward of your own household. It’s really a dimension of stewardship – you have to plan and organise things. If we are serious about mission and that is the clear priority, then some sort of plan is inevitable.’ ‘MAPing is primarily a tool to establish a clear missionary purpose and direction for the church’ David Hope

8 Jesus on Planning ‘For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it?’ ‘Or what king, going out to wage war against another king, will not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand?’ Luke 14.28,31

9 Acts Prayer and supernatural guidance are key parts of planning for mission in the early church. For example in Acts 13 – ‘While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.’

10 How does a Church work out its Mission Plans?
Is not easy! So much to learn about Mission! So much ‘stuff’ to consider! So many people to involve! But it gets easier with experience Learn by using the MAP process

11 The MAPing Process Cycle
Review Listen/Values Choose: Vision/Priorities Plan Deploy Act: Do/Check Annual Cycle Prayer And Passion

12 Prayer and Passion Prayer: Desire: The starting Point
Asking God to prepare the leaders for this work Individual and Corporate Desire: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry* wrote “If you want to build a ship, don’t summon people to buy wood, prepare tools, distribute jobs, and organise the work, rather teach people to yearn for the wide, boundless ocean”. If we want people to produce a MAP, first, we have to teach people – especially church leaders - to yearn to respond (‘missionally’) to God’s love of the world – as Jesus did. * A famous French writer and aviator ( )

13 Review Listen: Triple listening To God To ourselves – each other
To the community What are our Values? What is our Mission? Why are We Here? Assess: 4 alternative methods SWOT.. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. “Growing Healthy Churches” (recommended for 1st year) “Discerning your Church Vocation” “Natural Church Development” (Reviewing ones course could be crucial to the journey!) Review Choose: Plan Act: Prayer And Passion

14 Shared Vision Shared Vision Stimulates desire and helps us to focus on God Shared Vision gives the whole church a sense of Direction Shared Vision draws people to work together

15 Vision “A picture of the future that produces passion. Vision puts the match to the fuel that most people carry around in their hearts and yearn to have ignited. Leaders must keep striking that match by painting compelling Kingdom pictures” Bill Hybels

16 Vision We want our Vision statement to:
Inspire us to use our gifts for Kingdom growth Draw us together Enable us to work out Priorities Remember: Mission: Our Purpose; What we Value Vision: Where we are moving to in Future

17 Vision drives Priorities and Plans
What we think God is calling our church to do and become Vision Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4 Action 5 ….

18 MAP/Strategy Mission Vision Statement Statement Who How:
Why are we here? Vision Statement Where we want to be What will it feel like? MAP/Strategy How: What When

19 Next Steps: Plan SMART Actions
Document your plans, using the SMART method for each chosen priority: Specific: be clear about the specific goals and who the plan is for - e.g. engage with adults aged Measurable: agree how you will be able to measure progress, and how you will assess progress. Achievable: your people need to believe that it is possible. Resourced: ensure that there is sufficient human and financial resources Timed: be clear about the timing for starting, reviewing progress and completing.

20 Implementation Action Check MAPing leads to Action
to improve and/or to change and/or to serve and to worship … Yet many PCCs produce a paper and return to ‘business as usual’ Check Review progress to ensure that the plans are implemented to support people to recognise effort to solve problems

21 MAP Facilitators (Mission Companions)
Facilitators bring a fresh pair of eyes and a critical friend to help think through the church’s situation, strategy and vision. They are skilled in the various approaches to conducting a review of church health, and can guide church leaders through the Vision process. Many dioceses, now provide such facilitators to their churches on request at no cost The School of Formation or Mission Forum can provide these.

22 MAP: 10 Point Health Check
Rooted in Prayer Listen: consulting those impacted by the MAP Assess: taking a close look at your church Values: being clear about the church’s main purposes and sources of energy. Vision: being clear about the future direction Priorities: the vital ingredients to deliver the Vision Goals: being smart with priorities Actions: planning to succeed Communication: Keeping everyone informed Checking Progress: Keeping control of the overall plan

23 How are others doing?


25 Impact of MAP: York Diocese
“Mission Action Plans, consistently used are an effective tool for enabling the local church to become more authentically ‘mission shaped’, and to grow according to God’s plan and purpose. In all churches where the MAP principles are firmly established, they report overall growth, often in difficult key areas such as children and young people, or increased male membership. MAPs have helped hundreds of churches to look more closely at how they are serving God, and what it means to be the Body of Christ in their local situation. Choosing, planning, acting, and reviewing, draws on the power of the Holy Spirit, encouraging wider use of the gifts of discernment, wisdom, insight, understanding, faith, and knowledge.”

26 Impact of MAP: London Diocese
Neil Evans believes that MAP is now in the DNA of the growing churches in the diocese. Those who take in the MAP approach use it organically to grow their mission work.. He has no doubt that comparing these two groups of churches would demonstrate that MAP has had a very positive impact.

27 Conclusions about MAP MAPing is an annual learning process; not an event - it’s not about producing a piece of paper. “Every year we learn more about mission, the community and ourselves”. Facilitators can accelerate the learning. MAP should have wide ownership; plans and progress should be frequently communicated MAP should appear in some shape or form on every PCC agenda Action owners need training and support MAPPING: =Mission Action Planning, Implementation and Growth

28 Lets have a go! Where to next for your parish?

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