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March 29, 2010 National REP Conference Chicago, IL Integration of GIS into Region V REP Kara E. Scott FEMA Region V (Chicago, IL)

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Presentation on theme: "March 29, 2010 National REP Conference Chicago, IL Integration of GIS into Region V REP Kara E. Scott FEMA Region V (Chicago, IL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 29, 2010 National REP Conference Chicago, IL Integration of GIS into Region V REP Kara E. Scott FEMA Region V (Chicago, IL)

2 Overview  FEMA V  Region V GIS User’s Group  Moving Ahead…Next steps

3 Region V’s Integration of GIS into REP  Map product illustrating base map and data layers available on REP staff work stations  Critical REP data layers  Integration of live data  Day to day planning for REP site specialists INPUTFEEDBACKUPDATE

4 Demonstration GIS for REP

5 Purpose of REP GIS User’s Group To enhance the coordination of stakeholders and to ensure that GIS can be used as a tool to effectively fulfill the mission of Radiological Emergency Preparedness

6 Main objective of User’s Group  Bring GIS users together to enhance day to day and response capabilities  To enable responders and decision-makers to operate more efficiently

7 Participating Agencies

8 Meeting Dates  Initial Meeting February 4 th 2009  Follow-up Conference Calls March 5 th May 21 st October 21st November 24 th December 8th March 23rd

9 What have we done?  GIS Assessment Surveys  Survey I—February 4 th 2009 Survey  Agency GIS capabilities  GIS Platforms, projections, etc.  Survey II—July 21 st 2009 Survey  Expectations  GIS REP needs for response  Data storage  Data sharing issues

10 REP GIS Data Assessment  Assessment of current REP data layers provided by members of the User’s Group  Generated a list of recommended REP data layers

11 Benefits of having a REP-GIS User’s Group  Members of User’s Group have access to HSIN portal for data sharing and posting maps  HSIN Region V GIS Portal access has been granted to each member  Single point of contact for GIS coordination for Region  Dissemination of Federal Standard Documents  Standard Operations Procedure for imagery request and available remote sensing products  DHS Geospatial CONOPS

12 …and more  Access to HSIP Freedom Data  The group has shared the methodology to participate in the HSIP Data Feedback  Coordination with other GIS partners at the local, state and federal levels that are involved with REP-related responsibilities

13 User Group Priorities 1 REP specific data layers 2 Mapping standards 3 Data maintenance

14 Moving Forward…  Enhance Federal GIS participation in REP  Ease of data sharing  Encourage common GIS picture for efficient response capability  Web-based mapping capability  Access GIS maps remotely from the internet

15 Upcoming meeting Region V GIS Meeting Chicago, IL Projected date: November 2010

16 What can you do to help?  Identify GIS POC within your Agency and outside  Keep GIS POC informed  Include GIS in the planning process  Utilize GIS for analysis

17 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Kara E. Scott GIS Specialist Radiological Emergency Preparedness Division FEMA Region V 312-408-5377 (office) 312-505-5320 (blackberry) 312-408-5222 (fax)

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