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August 20 th – September 3 rd Washington, DC Sit-in to Stop the Pipeline.

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Presentation on theme: "August 20 th – September 3 rd Washington, DC Sit-in to Stop the Pipeline."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 20 th – September 3 rd Washington, DC Sit-in to Stop the Pipeline

2 The Keystone XL Pipeline

3 The Alberta Tar Sands

4 The Solution Building Keystone XL requires a Presidential permit that certifies whether it is in the ‘National Interest,’ which means Pres. Obama alone decides whether the project gets built. The Tar Sands Action is a campaign to encourage the President to do the right thing and reject the pipeline.

5 Invitation to Tar Sands Action Bill McKibben, Tom Goldtooth, Naomi Klein, David Suzuki, James Hansen, Wendell Berry, Gus Speth, Danny Glover and many others issue an invitation to action in June. Called for two weeks of sustained civil disobedience at the White House from August 20 th to September 3 rd. Supported by 19 Climate Scientists and the directors of 28 environmental and allied organizations

6 Day 1: 65 Arrests Arrestees include: Bill McKibben, Gus Speth, and Dan Choi

7 Day 2: 45 Arrests

8 Day 3: 52 Arrests Arrestees include representatives from Chesapeake Climate Action Network and Bold Nebraska

9 Day 4: 60 Arrests Arrestees include Margot Kidder and Tantoo Cardinal

10 Day 5: 56 Arrests

11 Day 6: 47 Arrests

12 Day 7: 54 Arrests

13 Day 8: No Arrests As Hurricane Irene bore down on the east coast, the Tar Sands Action met for a rally in the rain to show our resolve, but didn’t risk arrest in respect for the state of emergency called for in Washington DC.

14 Day 9: No Arrests Tar Sands Action took the day off to allow for cleanup, and out of respect for folks facing the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Irene up and down the East Coast.

15 Day 10: 143 Arrests Arrestees incl. NASA’s James Hansen, religious leaders of dozens of denominations, a former Obama speechwriter, &the Director of CREDO Action

16 Day 11: 73 Arrests Arrestees include actress Dayrl Hannah, and dozens of folks from Hurricane Irene ravaged Vermont.

17 Day 12: 111 Arrests Arrestees include landowners from along the pipeline route, and a large delegation from the coalfields of Appalachia

18 Day 13: 137 Arrests Arrestees include youth organizers for the 2008 Obama campaign

19 Day 14: 166 Arrests Action is led by the Indigenous Environmental Network. Naomi Klein and other Canadians take a risk by participating in the sit-in and are arrested

20 Day 15: 243 Arrests

21 Results: 1,252 arrests at the sit-in, with hundreds more out in support 3,500+ mentions in the press, including front page of the NY Times, as well as the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NPR’s All Things Considered and USA Today. International solidarity actions from Canada to Egypt to New Zealand

22 Trainings One of the goals of the action was to deepen our commitment to action and get comfortable with civil disobedience. Every participant took part in a nightly training that included roleplaying, legal briefing, and a community dinner.


24 Arrests


26 What’s NextNationally Continue to pressure President Obama to be the climate leader we elected in 2008. Build a network of activists committed to using peaceful civil disobedience to stop the tar sands and climate change. Local actions at Organizing for America and Obama 2012 offices to encourage the President to stand strong

27 What can we do now to support?

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