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Edgar Allan Poe English Spring 08 Ms. Sirsky. Requirements Collaborative behavior Author study Project Literature Identify literary elements Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Edgar Allan Poe English Spring 08 Ms. Sirsky. Requirements Collaborative behavior Author study Project Literature Identify literary elements Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edgar Allan Poe English Spring 08 Ms. Sirsky

2 Requirements Collaborative behavior Author study Project Literature Identify literary elements Presentation  Rubric

3 Collaborative Behavior Everyone plays well with others. Personality conflicts should be set aside for all to achieve success. Groups work independently and must monitor their time and production. Adhere to due dates, points will be deducted for late work.

4 Group Selection Pre-determined members: –divided by ELA Regents scores. –have specific roles. Each group reads the same literature. Follow the presentation for links and directions. Enjoy, please.

5 Group Responsibilities Groups –Each and every student contributes insight. –Each student documents thoughts and ideas. –Each student identifies literary elements. You must be the source or find a source without plagiarizing by documenting your sources and giving the source credit. –Use MLA documentation for web and text sources. –Note page or paragraph numbers for references to the text on post-its, flags, index cards, or loose-leaf.

6 Roles Information Management Vocabulary Engineers Literary Elite Text Architects

7 Information Management Responsible for all documentation –Student work for collection and projects under construction. –Designing game plan to attack tasks. –Create storyboards for project and presentation requirements. –Signature required daily. Written excuses required.

8 Vocabulary Engineers Keeps log of words from text or discovered through the exploration of material including classroom discussion, notes, text, and online research. Log includes usage, definition, example, and source. Name, date, and number everything.

9 Literary Elite Under the umbrella of literary elements, the identification of all literary devices, elements, and techniques collected from all group members’ consensus. Maintain graphic organizers of –Plot –Characters –Setting –Point of View –Themes –Tone –Mood

10 Identify Literary Elements For Regents Prep or skillfully writing about literature, literary elements are a must. All students regardless of their stature will be responsible for a minimum of six literary elements per text, including the following: –Main characters –Setting –Point of View –Themes –Symbols –Conflict –Climax –Figurative/Descriptive language –Poetic versification, if applicable

11 Text Architects Responsible for historical background and pertinent information needed to understand the setting properly. (We are not limited to the 21st century, we need to know how the past affects how we understand the text.) Quotations –Page numbers for documentation. –Text identification including author, title, publisher name and place for each source used.

12 Quotations Specific lines referring to literary elements including major literary elements of plot, setting, characters, theme, tone, and mood. For ease of recovery document: –Page number –Paragraph number –Line number Document text –Author –Date published –Publisher with city and state

13 Author Study Before knowing the literature, research Edgar Allan Poe. –Be concerned more with the biography rather than the body of work. –Knowing titles does not mean you know how or why an author writes. Use the six basic questions: –Who, what, when, where, why, and how. –Make “who” more than a birth place and date. –Create more than a timeline. Create a project for q505.orgproject

14 Project A media presentation for will suffice as the project using –Microsoft PowerPoint –Microsoft Publisher –Dreamweaver –Microsoft Word –Adobe Acrobat Reader –Uploadable material such as.jpeg,.wmv,.mov, etc. Follow guidelines from Author StudyAuthor Study

15 Literature Read it !!?!! –Regardless of the genre, whether you read it before or not, or you do not like to read, read it. –No discussions or exploration of literature can be done without this pre-requisite.

16 Presentation Real time presentation in front of the class with audible vocals and use of visual aides. Use of the following are permissible: –PowerPoint –Art –Drama –Film All students required to participate, see Rubric. Rubric

17 Project Rubric Maximum scores and penalties –Uploaded media presentation –Finished but not uploaded –Lateness per day Due Date – March 31 = 25 pts. - 1 pts. = 18 pts.

18 Literature Rubric Grade consists of any tests given resulting in a percentage grade. Numerical value for homework and class work graded on check system. These grades will be averaged and apply to ¼ or 25% of a marking period grade.

19 Literary Elements Each element must be quoted including page number, be specific and follow MLA documentation. The minimum requirement is six and will result in a 65. –Each additional element is worth 5 points, but no more than a total of 110 points. –Characters are one element even if there are twenty characters. This grade will be averaged and apply to ¼ or 25% of a marking period grade.

20 Presentation Rubric TBA

21 Rubric Author Study/Project= 25% Literature Exams= 25% Literary Elements= 25% Presentation= 25% –Rubrics for individual categories are forthcoming.

22 Literature “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

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