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Finding your Place at BU Kristin Race Literature and Society Dr. Sherry 10/03/11.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding your Place at BU Kristin Race Literature and Society Dr. Sherry 10/03/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding your Place at BU Kristin Race Literature and Society Dr. Sherry 10/03/11

2 Problem In order to succeed and enjoy your time at college you must have friends. Who will your friends be?

3 Background When you first go to college the first days can be scary. – A new environment – New classes – New clubs/organizations – Most importantly, new friends

4 Background You are faced with many decisions… – What groups and organizations should I join? Sororities/Fraternities Sports Clubs – Will people on my floor become my good friends?

5 Method Took photos of dorm rooms Observed and took photos of a particular culture Interviewed people from different organizations Observed the dining hall

6 Findings In the dorms you find people that have the same interests as you and they may become good friends. When it comes to people interests it can be as simple as their favorite color. People in these two rooms are great friends and you can tell they have some similarities when it comes to choosing the colors on their beds.

7 Findings When you join an organization or group you become involved in a whole new culture. For example, a sorority I observed the sorority house of Alpha Sigma Alpha where 11 girls in this organization live. The girls told me that they spend a lot of their time here (even girls in ASA that did not live in the house). They are all great friends and the reason they joined a sorority was for friendship and being a part of something great.

8 Findings I also interviewed people from different organizations to see who their greatest friends were. – I observed that a lot of people are greatest friends with the people in their organization. – In most cases people lived with others from their certain club or sport. – They also usually spent most of their day with them either at practice, a meeting, or just hanging out.

9 Findings I then observed the dining hall, the Scranton Commons. In most cases people eat with their greatest friends. – There were a lot big groups eating when I was there. – Most of the tables were filled with a particular club or organization like… The football team Sororities/Fraternities CGA

10 Conclusion Based on my ethnographic data, I noticed that many people’s greatest friends are with people from their clubs and organizations. – They have a lot of things in common and spend a lot of time together. People also join organizations and clubs that best fit their personalities and that is why they are such close friends.

11 Conclusion This shows me that your college experience has a lot to do with what you get involved with on campus. They say the people you meet in college are your friends for life and what better friends than people from clubs and organizations you are involved in.

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