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Patrick Lu Joshua Lund Vijay Ram

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2 Patrick Lu Joshua Lund Vijay Ram

3  GUI  Making the GUI, communicating with user  Pat  GUI Model Relations  Keep the greater project design in mind at all times and keep it working and the design logical  Vijay  Model  Processing expression. We started off with Josh’s Arithmetica and was therefore a fitting role for him  Josh

4  Use Josh’s Arithmetica code  Cleaner Parser class  Greater ease to extend  Treats parenthesis, comma better  Creates “Grouper” objects  Take parts from Pat and Vijay’s code  Operator functionality / hierarchy  Josh’s code design had more strengths than Pat and Vijay’s  Therefore, we used it (it = Josh’s Arithmetica code)

5  Arithmetica is the basis for the model  Read function input  Parse input/ create expression object  Tokens of Operator, Operand, Grouper  Evaluate Expression at each pixel  Action performed by View  Evaluate method of expression returns RGB Color  Easy to extend (see below)  Add additional functions  Functions are basis for all picture renderings

6  Certain input methods will not be accepted to simplify coding implementation  Function separated by Return or newline characters  Shown in Demo  Grouper is classified separately from Operator  Justified because Groupers are different from Operators  Makes error-checking more tedious/ difficult


8  File Menu  Open  Save  Buttons  Random  Evaluate  Breed  Text Fields  Current Expression  Enter Expression

9  File Menu  Save  Save Current image to file  Load  Load image from file, display image expression  Buttons  Random  Display a random expression in the View  Evaluate  Evaluate a single expression inputted  Breed  Merge two expressions inputted in the left/right boxes

10  Current progress  Shown during demonstration

11  Watch!!!!

12  Finish the project?  Implement error checking  Clean up Model-View Interaction  Finish GUI  Implement extensions

13  Allow users to view multiple images at once  Separate windows, tabs, or a grid of thumbnails)  Allow users to "debug" expressions  Use mouse to display point and evaluated values  Allow users to save a history of old expressions


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