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Şekil ve Şemalar. Past Tenses Past Simple Past Perfect & Past Perfect Continuous Past Continuous Future in the Past Used to & Would Key Word Transformation.

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Presentation on theme: "Şekil ve Şemalar. Past Tenses Past Simple Past Perfect & Past Perfect Continuous Past Continuous Future in the Past Used to & Would Key Word Transformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Şekil ve Şemalar

2 Past Tenses Past Simple Past Perfect & Past Perfect Continuous Past Continuous Future in the Past Used to & Would Key Word Transformation Exerecise

3 MODAL VERBS CAN ABILITY (present) REQUEST PROBABILITY MIGHT WEAK PROBABILITY MAY POLITE REQUEST PROBABILITY MUSTN’T PROHIBITION You musn’t smoke in this restaurant. It’s forbidden MUST DEDUCTION PERSONAL OBLIGATION She had to the police. She must be murderer. COULD REQUEST Could you give me the paper, please ABILITY (past) When he was, he could ride a bike. HAVE TO HAS TO EXTERNAL OBLIGATION You have to take off your shoes before you get into the mosque DON’T/DOESN’T HAVE TO NO NECESSITY NEED TO NECESSITY SHOULD/ SHOULDN’T OUGHT TO/ OUGHTN’T TO ADVISE

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