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MODULE 6: COVERAGE. 12 3 Coverage Coverage results from complete, balanced, relevant and dynamic verbal and visual CONTENT. MANY FACTORS IMPACT COVERAGE.

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Presentation on theme: "MODULE 6: COVERAGE. 12 3 Coverage Coverage results from complete, balanced, relevant and dynamic verbal and visual CONTENT. MANY FACTORS IMPACT COVERAGE."— Presentation transcript:


2 12 3 Coverage Coverage results from complete, balanced, relevant and dynamic verbal and visual CONTENT. MANY FACTORS IMPACT COVERAGE. Number of pages Number of students enrolled Staff size and experience ONE KEY TO PRODUCING A RELEVANT YEARBOOK IS THE STAFF. Staff that represents the varied student groups, brainstorming, reaching out to the student body

3 12 3 Coverage Content is often presented in SECTIONS, organizing the yearbook for the readers. THE TRADITIONAL, TOPICAL APPROACH: Student Life Academics Sports Organizations People Specialty Sections Advertising METHODS OF ORGANIZING: Chronological Blended

4 12 3 Coverage STUDENT LIFE: Covers teen life in and out of school. This spread reports on weekends.

5 12 3 Coverage ACADEMICS: Covers learning in and out of the classroom. This spread reports on AP/honors courses.

6 12 3 Coverage SPORTS: Covers team competition and other student athletic activities. The spread reports on soccer.

7 12 3 Coverage ORGANIZATIONS: Covers the activities of school groups. The spread reports on music groups.

8 12 3 Coverage PEOPLE: Covers people by providing a visual record of students/staff. This spread reports on graduation.

9 12 3 Coverage SPECIALTY SECTIONS: Covers news, special topics or popular culture. This section reports on friends.

10 12 3 Coverage ADVERTISING: Dictated by budget and policy, this section might include business and/or personal ads.

11 12 3 Coverage INDEX: A listing of all students and topics appearing in the yearbook. Content is often included as well.

12 1 3 2 Coverage Content, deadlines and color are planned on a diagram called the LADDER. THE LADDER DISPLAYS PAGE CONTENT, COLOR AND DEADLINES. Displayed for all staff to see “X” off when page is complete THE LADDER DIAGRAM SHOWS PAGE CONFIGURATIONS. Even pages = left Odd pages = right CONTENT CAN BE PRESENTED IN A VARIETY OF OPTIONS. Content Module (same topic – different angles) Page (single page) Spread (DPS) Multi-spread Presentation (2 or more spreads)

13 1 3 2 Coverage The LADDER DIAGRAM is used to identify content, record deadlines, plan color pages and track pages.

14 1 3 2 Coverage The ladder diagram is organized by spreads, MULTIPLES and SIGNATURES. Multiples = 8 pages (shaded/colored) Signatures = 16 pages Must submit in multiples or signatures when pages are complete

15 1 3 2 Coverage MULTI-SPREAD PRESENTATION: Allows for in-depth coverage by using two or more spreads.

16 1 3 2 Coverage MULTI-SPREAD PRESENTATION: This is the second spread of a two-spread presentation on trends.

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