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Document management Rev. Description Author Date 0.0 First draft

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Presentation on theme: "Document management Rev. Description Author Date 0.0 First draft"— Presentation transcript:

1 Document management Rev. Description Author Date 0.0 First draft
David Stone 16/07/10 1.0 Final 18/07/10 2.0 Added bulk upload templates 19/07/10

2 Information Governance Training Tool:
Administrator functions

3 Housekeeping Fire alarms Exit routes and assembly point Toilets
Mobile phones Smoking areas Refreshments Questions

4 Introductions Training provided by Department of Health contracted provider: David Stone Head of Information Governance Apira Limited MAKE OWN POSITION CLEAR No discussion of content Depending on audience size, round table introductions

5 Agenda On the agenda: Welcome Role of IGTT in delivering assurance
Using IGTT to deliver assurance Organisational set-up User set-up Reporting Resources Q&A Not on the agenda: Health Policy IGTT content

6 role of IGTT in delivering assurance

7 IGT 8-112: requirements origins
Data Protection Act 1998: Principle 7 Data Protection Act 1998: Schedule I Part II (para 10) Caldicott Report on the Review of Patient Identifiable Information 1997: Recommendation 2 Caldicott Management Audit points 3, 4 and 5 (Protecting and Using Patient Information): Confidentiality and Security Training Needs NHS Litigation Authority: Standard 2 (Competent and Capable Workforce) NHS Care Record Guarantee: Commitment 9 NHS Code of Practice: Confidentiality (page 3, para 7)

8 NHS Care Record Guarantee
We will make sure, through contract terms and staff training, that everyone who works in or on behalf of the NHS understands their duty of confidentiality, what it means in practice and how it applies to all parts of their work. Organisations under contract to the NHS must follow the same policies and use the same controls as the NHS does. We will enforce this duty at all times. Commitment 9 NHS Care Record Guarantee 2009

9 Informatics Planning Guidance 2010/11
All staff should receive annual basic IG training appropriate to their role through the online NHS IG Training Tool. Page 13 - Sustaining robust information governance (IG)

10 NHS Constitution You [NHS staff] have a duty to protect the confidentiality of personal information that you hold unless to do so would put anyone at risk of significant harm. Section 3b of the NHS Constitution The NHS commits to provide all staff with personal development, access to appropriate training for their jobs and line management support to succeed Section 3a of the NHS Constitution Duty to have regard to NHS Constitution Health Act 2009

11 Information Governance Toolkit 8-112
Information Governance awareness and mandatory training procedures are in place and all staff are appropriately trained

12 Using IGTT to deliver assurance

13 Administrator functions
Add new users Edit user details Delete users View individual’s usage of the e-learning Generate reports on the progress of all your organisation members You may also: Administrate more than one organisation Set up more than one Support Administrator Set up a local list of your management structures to further inform

14 Reporting View the national recommendations against each module for each job role Assign local module status against each job role e.g. optional/recommended/mandatory Send out newsletters and reminder letters to your users

15 Landing page and log-in

16 Administration functions

17 Administrator area 1 2 Link at top and ‘Choose a site ...’ return to administrator home page ‘Link to site’ open IGTT home page in a new window

18 Organisational Set-up

19 Administrator area

20 Multiple organisations

21 Edit organisation Changing organisation type here filters your later options for organisational roles when assigning modules

22 Assign modules

23 IGT 8-12 2 In line with the NHS Operating Framework 2010/2011 all staff members complete IG training through the mandatory module(s) in the NHS IG Training Tool. Where necessary, this is supported by local IG training. Training needs are regularly reviewed and re-evaluated when necessary. 2a All staff, including new starters, locum, temporary, student and contract staff members have completed (or are in the process of completing) mandated IG training using the NHS IG Training Tool. Evidence Required: Reports generated from the NHS IG Training Tool supplemented by local training reports where necessary.

24 IGT 8-112 2b Staff training needs are assessed to ensure that the basic training provided is sufficient. Evidence Required: A training needs analysis document

25 IGT 8-112 2c Additional training is provided to staff in key roles, this may be provided by the NHS IG Training Tool or by other means. Evidence Required: A training needs analysis document (with details of any identified additional training for specific staff groups) and training reports showing that identified needs have been met.

26 Edit assigned modules You can use these radio buttons to set the status of a module as it would appear to your users. You will not be able to downgrade a module status from the one that has been set centrally. If a module has been set as recommended by Superusers, you will be able to upgrade it to mandatory but you will not be able to downgrade it to optional, so this radio button will be disabled. In this example, Apira has been reset to an acute organisation type, filtering the role options Greyed out modules have been set centrally for certain role types in particular organisations Roles that have options recommended or optional can be raised i.e. Recommended to Mandatory by the administrator

27 Edit assigned modules

28 Module options

29 Administrator area

30 Job roles Effectively a report/overview of modules assigned to job roles Nb. Individual role expansion [+] didn’t work on my computer although once expanded with ‘show all modules’ would close individual roles with [-]

31 Viewing job roles

32 Links to module assignment
Demonstrates the need to work this out off line for first set-up

33 Administrator area

34 Department set-up

35 Create a new department

36 Create department

37 User Set-up

38 Administrator area

39 User set-up Item Function / Action needed
Name / Organisation Choose if you want to search for users by name or organisation. User type Choose whether you want to search for users who have registered with an address, or for users who have registered with a username. Find user Type a user name or the first characters of a first or last name here to find a specific user. If you leave the field blank and click Go, a list of all the users in your organisation will be displayed. Add a new user Click the Add a new user button to enter individual users to the database. OAs and SAs will not normally need to do this as users should be encouraged to self register or they may be bulk uploaded to the system OAs can also assign nominated users as ‘Support Administrators’ from here either for one or more organisations, dependant on the permissions the OA has been given centrally. Add multiple users or otherwise known as ‘bulk upload’ Click Add multiple users to add a group of users to the site at the same time. You will need to upload a spreadsheet populated with the users’ details. You can register users immediately or save for later and register in batches. Those ‘registered now’ will receive a generic with login details displayed. It is strongly advised that you warn your users that you will be doing this on their behalf and to expect the generic . View pending users When you add users to the site, you can choose to complete their registration now, or to store their details to register them later. View pending users shows you the list of users whose details are stored on the site for later registration. NB. You will only be able to view pending users whom you have added. Other administrators’ pending users will not be visible here. View deactivated users View deactivated users allows you to see the users that have been deactivated.

40 User identification

41 User management Search results Here you can see how many results matched your search. These are listed alphabetically according to the query. Edit Click this link to edit the details of a particular user. Deactivate Click this link to deactivate a user. Deactivated users no longer have access to the system and are removed from any generated reports. Delete Click this link to delete a user, you will be asked to confirm if you want to delete them. Deleted users no longer have access to the system and are removed from any generated reports. Usage Click the Usage link to see which resources users have attempted, completed and passed. You can also save or print a certificate for a user from this area. Results pages Here you can see how many pages of results there are for your search. Use Previous and Next to move between pages. Searches are indexed by the first name and surname of the users. Therefore, it is not possible to search by address

42 Edit user profile User details: Here you can amend any details about the user. For example, if their address changed you would update it here. You can edit their title, first and last names, address and telephone number. Send a new password: If you want to send a new password to a user, click this button. The user will then be sent an containing a new password. When they log in they will be asked to create a new password. Role: Here you can change the user's role. The role section lists the sites that are accessible by the user. Organisation name or code: Here you can choose a user’s primary organisation. Begin typing the name of the organisation or Organisation code and several options will appear for you to choose from. Job role: Edit the user’s job role here. Department/Directorate/Division: If the organisation that the user is in has departments set up, you will be able to choose the user’s department here.

43 View usage Year: Here you can select the financial year that you want to see the user’s usage for. If the user has not completed any modules for the year selected then you will not see any information in the table. Learning resource: All modules that are currently uploaded to the site are listed here. Module use: The rest of the table shows you the user’s usage for each module. Status: The user’s status on the module. (You can see more detail on what each of the statuses mean in the appendix of this guide). Passed: Whether the user has passed the assessment in the module or not. Score: The score the user obtained in the assessment. Date passed: The date the user first passed the assessment. Total time: The total amount of time that the user spent on the module. Attempts: The number of times the user accessed the module. Certificate: If the user passed a module assessment with a high enough score, a certificate link will appear to allow administrators to view and print the user’s certificate

44 New user set-up

45 Adding a new user User details: Enter the details of an individual user here. Fields marked * are mandatory. Site roles: Here you can assign a role to the user. The Site roles section lists the sites that are accessible by the user. You can assign someone has a support administrator if you want them to have the same rights as you to access the admin area or you can make them an ordinary member. Primary organisation name or code: Start to type the name or code of the organisation the user belongs to here, and the names of matching organisations will appear. Select the organisation that you want to add the user to here. Job role: Here you can select a job role for the user. The list of job roles will depend on the organisation that you have assigned the user to so you will need to make sure you have selected the user’s organisation before you try to select a job role. Additional organisations: If you want to add the user to organisations in addition to their primary organisation, you can type the name in here. Add organisation: Click this button if you want to add more organisation fields to allow you to add more organisations to the user’s profile. This will only apply to organisations which manage more than one organisation. Create user profile: Click this button when you have completed all the necessary fields. Once the profile has been created, the user will receive an providing them with their login details including a system-generated password/access code. When the user logs into the IG Training Tool for the first time they will be prompted to choose their own password

46 Deactivated users

47 View deactivated user Deactivated users link: Here you can see how many deactivated users there are. Click the link to open an Excel file containing all the details of these users. To reactivate a user, search for them and click Reactivate under the Options heading.

48 Deactivate/delete a user
Search results Here you can see how many results matched your search. These are listed alphabetically according to the query. Edit Click this link to edit the details of a particular user. Deactivate Click this link to deactivate a user. Deactivated users no longer have access to the system and are removed from any generated reports. Delete Click this link to delete a user, you will be asked to confirm if you want to delete them. Deleted users no longer have access to the system and are removed from any generated reports. Usage Click the Usage link to see which resources users have attempted, completed and passed. You can also save or print a certificate for a user from this area. Results pages Here you can see how many pages of results there are for your search. Use Previous and Next to move between pages. Searches are indexed by the first name and surname of the users. Therefore, it is not possible to search by address

49 Delete a user You will be asked to confirm delete BUT NOT deactivate

50 Bulk Upload

51 CSV

52 Support functions Bulk upload Newsletters Reminders

53 Reporting

54 Administrator Area This link takes you to the section that lets you create detailed and statistical reports on users’ data for your assigned organisations. If you are an SHA Organisation Administrator/Support Administrator you can also generate statistical reports on Trusts within your SHA region. If you are a PCT OA/SA you can generate statistical reports on GPs.

55 Organisation reports Reporting level:
This will show different options based on your organisation type. If you are an Organisation Administrator for an SHA, you will see only ‘SHA’ and ‘Individual organisation’ radio buttons. This offers reports on your Organisation and others which come under your organisation. If you are a PCT Organisation Administrator, you will see a PCT and Individual organisation radio button. This offers reports on your Organisation and others which come under your organisation. Others will only see ‘Individual Organisation’ radio button. Make a selection then click Go. The rest of the reporting page will generate according to what you select. You will only need to make these choices if you administrate more than one type of organisation

56 Report organisation type

57 PCT / SHA stats table: When you create a report for a PCT or SHA, you will see a table showing high-level statistics for all of the organisations within it. Select: You can use the checkboxes to select which organisations organisations you want to report on more fully. You can also ‘select all’. View statistics: When you have used the checkboxes to select organisations, you can click View summary statistics, view monthly passed statistics or view score statistics to view different aspects of the statistics for each module for that organisation. If you want a more detailed report on the individual users for that organisation, you should use the filters below. This will only generate detailed reports for organisations which you administrate or support e.g. An SHA cannot create detailed reports on and Acute or PCT and a PCT cannot create detailed reports on GPs. Statistical reports are available for all organisations which appear on your search list. Date filter: Here you can choose to add a date filter to your report. You can choose: not to apply a date filter to the report; this will show all records regardless of their date to filter by the date users first registered on the site to filter the search by the date users first accessed a module (you will then have to choose which module) to filter the search by the date users first completed a module (you will then have to choose which module) to filter the search by the date users first passed a module (you will then have to choose which module). Date filter menus: Here you can choose the dates by which to filter your search. These menus will not appear if you have chosen not to filter your report by date. User status: Here you can choose just to report on users who have a certain status i.e. inactive (when they have not yet accessed any e-learning) or active. Module: Here you can select which module you want to report on. Module status: Here you choose to only see the data for a specific module status, e.g. incomplete.

58 Organisation type stats: When you create a report for an organisation type, you will see a table showing high-level statistics for all of the organisations within it. Add organisation to report: When you have found the name of the organisation you want to report on, click this button to add your choice to the report. You can then go on to add more organisations if you wish. This will only apply if you have been given permissions centrally for more than one organisation. Go: Once you have finished selecting organisations to report on, you can click this button to run the initial report. Select organisations: You can use the checkboxes to select which organisations you want to report on in more detail. Statistics reports: You can use the three statistics reports buttons to view the figures and statistics for different modules. You will only be able to see numbers in this report – there will be no user-specific information. Date filter: Here you can choose to add a date filter to your report. You can choose: not to apply a date filter to the report; this will show all records regardless of their date to filter by the date users first registered on the site to filter the search by the date users first accessed a module (you will then have to choose which module) to filter the search by the date users first completed a module (you will then have to choose which module) to filter the search by the date users first passed a module (you will then have to choose which module). Date filter menus: Here you can choose the dates to filter your search by. These menus will not appear if you have chosen not to filter you report by date. Status filters User status: Here you can choose to only report on users who have a certain status i.e. inactive (when they have not yet accessed any e-learning) or active. Module: Here you can select which module you want to report on. Module status: Here you choose to only see the data for a specific module status, e.g. incomplete.


60 Administrator Area

61 Administrator Area Here you can create a newsletter or reminder message to be sent via to your users. You can also attach local documents e.g. Policies and Procedures to these messages

62 Trainer materials

63 Resource Library

64 Q&A

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