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10-6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

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Presentation on theme: "10-6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring"— Presentation transcript:

1 10-6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

2 Zero-Product Property
States that if the product of 2 factors is zero, then 1 (or both) of the factors must be 0. If the product ab=0, then a=0 OR b=0.

3 Solving by factoring Make sure the equation is written in standard form. (ax2+bx+c=0) Factor Set factors each with variables = 0. Solve for x. Check

4 Examples x2+7x+12 = d2-2d-24=0 n2+4n= a2+18a-10=0 c2+13c= w2-5w=0

5 Summary of Methods for Solving ax2+bx+c
1)Finding square roots 2) Quadratic Formula 3) Factoring Comments 1)Efficient for ax2+c=0 2)Can be used on ANY quadratic 3) Efficient if quadratic can be factored easily

6 Quadratic Formula

7 assignment

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