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 To revise the vocabulary on the topic “Food and Drinks”  To develop skills in grammar: countable and uncountable nouns;  modal verb should  To.

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Presentation on theme: " To revise the vocabulary on the topic “Food and Drinks”  To develop skills in grammar: countable and uncountable nouns;  modal verb should  To."— Presentation transcript:



3  To revise the vocabulary on the topic “Food and Drinks”  To develop skills in grammar: countable and uncountable nouns;  modal verb should  To develop skills of communication  To foster the desire to use healthy food



6 If you seldom fall ill during the year and don’t miss lessons – you are healthy If you fall ill mostly during the epidemic – you are healthy in some way If you often fall ill during the year and miss lessons – your health is in danger

7 Protein meat, fish, peanuts, chicken, milk, beans Vitamins Apples, grapes,oranges, bananas, carrots, melon Carbohydrates Bread, cereal, pasta, bread rolls Building material for the body’s cells Activate the body’s vital processes Substances that give energy

8 VITAMINS FOOD LACK OF VITAMINS HARMS A Dark green vegetables, carrots, eggs, liver Skin, eyes, kidneys B Meat, eggs, chicken, nuts, green vegetables Heart, nerves C Fruit (especially oranges and lemons), tomatoes, dark green vegetables Teeth, blood, gums, bones DFish liver, oil, eggs, liverBones, teeth

9 Put the words in the right order and make a list of tips for healthy way of life you,healthy, eat, food, which, carbohydrates, proteins, want, If, be you vitamins, must to contains Don ’ t, very, health, overeat – it ’ s, your, for, bad eat don ’ t eat quickly, Don ’ t, meals, hot, very Lot, You eat a vitamins A,B,C, must, of go, in for sport, and, do, exercises regularly, should, We helps keep fit,, Sport, and, be healthy, people, to day, Sleep, a,7-8 hours

10 Tips for healthy way of life  If you want to be healthy you must eat food which contains carbohydrates, fats, minerals.  Don’t overeat – it’s very bad for your health. Don’t eat hot meals, don’t eat very quickly.  You must also eat a lot of vitamins A,B,C.  We should go in for sport regularly  Sport helps people to be healthy and keep fit  Sleep 7-8 hours a day

11 Chocolate, carrot, sweets, honey, bread, meat, cake, milk, butter, fish, apple, chips, cheese, hamburger, tomato, pizza, coffee, water, Coke

12 USEFUL  water  carrot  honey  bread  meat  milk  fish  cheese  apple  tomato  orange  butter HARMFUL  chocolate  sweets  cake  coffee  Coke  chips  pizza  hamburger 

13 COUNTABLE UNCOUNTABLE  chocolate  coffee  Coke  chips  honey  bread  meat  milk  fish  cheese  butter  water   carrot  cake  hamburger  pizza  sweets  apple  tomato  orange


15 'JUNK' FOOD Food that has too much of something we don't need or not much of things we do need is sometimes called ____food No food is totally junk because your body will ____ what it needs and either store or get rid of what it doesn't want. Fast food, fatty food, fizzy drinks, lollies and chocolate are fun to have sometimes, but it's not good to have them all the time. Fast food has a lot of _____or _____ or ______in them - all the things that your body only needs a little bit of. If you drink too many _____ drinks and eat mostly _____ food, then you will be missing out on getting enough _______and other good things that will help you to grow strong and ________ junk soft saltsugar vitamins use fat healthy fast

16 Take a glass of crystal water with sunrays and fresh air. Put your favourite fruit rich in vitamins. Mix it energetically. Sprinkle it with humour. Drink slowly to feel the taste of it


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