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fill the counties with color Holding down the SHIFT

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1 fill the counties with color Holding down the SHIFT
Eugene Eureka Ontario Redding Reno Santa Rosa Bakersfield San Luis Obispo San Bernadino Sheridan Casper Grand Juction Raton Las Cruces Lubbock Odessa Ft. Stockton Corpus Christi Galveston Waco Lawton Ponca City Salina Oakley Mitchell Aberdeen Minot Grand Forks Duluth St Cloud Springfield St. Joseph Ft. Smith Morgan City Lake Charles Biloxi Decatur Mobile Memphis Chattanooga Bowling Green Rockford Rock Island Sault Ste Marie Grand Rapids Macon Columbus Pensacola Ft. Pierce W. Palm Beach Ft. Lauderdale Ft. Myers Tampa Daytona Beach Augusta Winston-Salem Roanoke Bangor Portsmouth Brattleboro Binghamton Fresno Yucca Cedar City Great Falls New Haven Twin Falls Jackson Tupelo New Orleans Shreveport Little Rock Texarkana Baton Rouge Topeka Kansas City Jefferson City Des Moines Sioux City Waterloo St Paul Milwaukee Lansing Cleveland Toledo Pittsburgh Buffalo Rochester Albany Montpelier Boston Hartford Providence Concord Portland New York Trenton Newark Dover Norfolk Charlotte Columbia Atlanta Montgomery Charleston Savannah Jacksonville Orlando Miami Key West Birmingham Tallahassee Annapolis Richmond Beckley Raleigh Philadelphia Baltimore Harrisburg Detroit Madison Effingham Frankfort Nashville Knoxville Chicago Indianapolis Lexington Cincinnati South Bend Champaign Minneapolis Billings Rapid City Bismarck Fargo Scottsbluff Cheyenne Denver Colorado Springs Seattle Olympia Spokane Salem Boise Sacramento Salt Lake City Carson City Provo Helena Pocatello Las Vegas Oakland San Francisco Los Angeles Flagstaff Santa Fe Honolulu Juneau Anchorage Albuquerque El Paso Phoenix Tucson Durango Austin Houston San Antonio Dallas Ft. Worth Wichita Tulsa Oklahoma Amarillo San Diego Pierre Sioux Falls Lincoln Omaha St Louis Santa Barbara Winnemucca Lewiston Charlottesville Hilo Nome Glasgow Idaho Falls BRUCE JONES DESIGN INC 2004 100 200 Miles NEBRASKA MICHIGAN INDIANA OHIO WEST VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK DC KENTUCKY VT NH MAINE RI MASS CONN NEW JERSEY DELAWARE MARYLAND NORTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE ALABAMA GEORGIA SOUTH FLORIDA HAWAII ALASKA CAROLINA WASHINGTON OREGON MONTANA NEVADA CALIFORNIA COLORADO NEW MEXICO OKLAHOMA MISSOURI ARKANSAS LOUISIANA NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA MINNESOTA WISCONSIN IDAHO WYOMING UTAH ARIZONA TEXAS MISSISSIPPI KANSAS ILLINOIS IOWA Slide 1 Land and Text Grouped, ungroup is in The Draw pop up menu in the Tool Bar at the Bottom of the slide Slide 2 Land and Text Ungrouped Slide 3 States and Capitals Slide 4 Land only Slide 5 Land only, colored Slide 6 Text only Use the BUCKET in the Drawing tool bar to fill the counties with color Holding down the SHIFT Key will allow you to select several objects at the same time so you can pull them out or color them. To enlarge or reduce several objects group them first. Holding down The SHIFT Key when you resize will keep the map proportional Delete this text before customizing

2 Seattle WASHINGTON Olympia Spokane Great Falls Glasgow Minot Portland
Lewiston MONTANA Grand Forks MAINE Salem Helena NORTH DAKOTA MINNESOTA Bangor Eugene Bismarck Fargo Duluth Sault Ste Marie Augusta MICHIGAN OREGON IDAHO Billings Montpelier Portland Ontario Aberdeen St Cloud NEW VT Concord Boise Sheridan WISCONSIN YORK NH Portsmouth SOUTH DAKOTA St Paul MICHIGAN MASS Idaho Falls Minneapolis Rochester Brattleboro Jackson Rapid City Pierre Albany Boston Buffalo Springfield Eureka Twin Falls Pocatello WYOMING Mitchell Grand Providence Rapids Binghamton Hartford RI Redding Casper Sioux Falls CONN Winnemucca Milwaukee Madison Lansing Detroit New Haven Waterloo PENNSYLVANIA Newark Rockford New York Scottsbluff Sioux City Chicago Cleveland Reno NEBRASKA Rock Harrisburg Trenton NEVADA Cheyenne IOWA Island South Bend Toledo Santa Rosa INDIANA Pittsburgh NEW JERSEY Carson City Salt Lake City Philadelphia Sacramento Provo Omaha Des Moines Baltimore Dover Oakland Champaign UTAH Denver ILLINOIS Columbus DELAWARE San Lincoln Annapolis Francisco St. Joseph Indianapolis OHIO WEST DC Springfield Cincinnati MARYLAND Grand Juction Kansas VIRGINIA Charlottesville Charleston Fresno COLORADO Colorado Oakley Salina Topeka City Kansas Effingham Richmond Springs City St Louis Lexington Beckley Cedar City Frankfort Roanoke Norfolk San Luis CALIFORNIA KANSAS Jefferson City VIRGINIA Obispo Bakersfield Las Vegas Durango Wichita MISSOURI KENTUCKY ARIZONA Raton Bowling Green Winston-Salem Santa Springfield Raleigh Yucca Ponca City Nashville NORTH CAROLINA Barbara Flagstaff Santa Fe Knoxville Oklahoma Charlotte San Bernadino Tulsa ARKANSAS Los Angeles Amarillo City Ft. Smith Chattanooga Memphis TENNESSEE Albuquerque Decatur SOUTH Columbia Lawton Little Rock Tupelo Atlanta CAROLINA San Diego Phoenix OKLAHOMA NEW MEXICO Augusta MISSISSIPPI Birmingham Macon Charleston Lubbock Texarkana Columbus Tucson Las Cruces Ft. Worth Montgomery Dallas Shreveport GEORGIA Savannah ALABAMA El Paso Odessa Waco LOUISIANA Jackson TEXAS Mobile Jacksonville Ft. Stockton Baton Rouge Tallahassee Austin Lake Charles Biloxi Pensacola Daytona Beach Houston New Orleans Nome ALASKA Morgan City Orlando San Antonio Galveston Anchorage Juneau Tampa Ft. Pierce FLORIDA W. Palm Beach Honolulu Corpus Christi Ft. Myers Ft. Lauderdale HAWAII Hilo Miami 100 200 Miles Key West BRUCE JONES DESIGN INC 2004

KENTUCKY VT NH MAINE RI MASS CONN NEW JERSEY DELAWARE MARYLAND NORTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE ALABAMA GEORGIA SOUTH FLORIDA HAWAII ALASKA CAROLINA WASHINGTON OREGON MONTANA NEVADA CALIFORNIA COLORADO NEW MEXICO OKLAHOMA MISSOURI ARKANSAS LOUISIANA NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA MINNESOTA WISCONSIN IDAHO WYOMING UTAH ARIZONA TEXAS MISSISSIPPI KANSAS ILLINOIS IOWA Jackson Little Rock Baton Rouge Topeka Jefferson City Des Moines St Paul Lansing Albany Montpelier Boston Hartford Providence Concord Augusta Trenton Dover Columbia Atlanta Montgomery Tallahassee Annapolis Richmond Raleigh Harrisburg Charleston Madison Frankfort Nashville Indianapolis Columbus Bismarck Cheyenne Denver Olympia Salem Boise Sacramento Salt Lake City Carson City Helena Santa Fe Honolulu Juneau Phoenix Austin Oklahoma City Pierre Lincoln Springfield BRUCE JONES DESIGN INC 2004 100 200 Miles



6 Seattle WASHINGTON Olympia Spokane Great Falls Glasgow Minot Portland
Lewiston MONTANA Grand Forks MAINE Salem Helena NORTH DAKOTA MINNESOTA Bangor Eugene Bismarck Fargo Duluth Sault Ste Marie Augusta MICHIGAN OREGON IDAHO Billings Montpelier Portland Ontario Aberdeen St Cloud NEW VT Concord Boise Sheridan WISCONSIN YORK NH Portsmouth SOUTH DAKOTA St Paul MICHIGAN MASS Idaho Falls Minneapolis Rochester Brattleboro Jackson Rapid City Pierre Albany Boston Buffalo Springfield Eureka Twin Falls Pocatello WYOMING Mitchell Grand Providence Rapids Binghamton Hartford RI Redding Casper Sioux Falls CONN Winnemucca Milwaukee Madison Lansing Detroit New Haven Waterloo PENNSYLVANIA Newark Rockford New York Scottsbluff Sioux City Chicago Cleveland Reno NEBRASKA Rock Harrisburg Trenton NEVADA Cheyenne IOWA Island South Bend Toledo Santa Rosa INDIANA Pittsburgh NEW JERSEY Carson City Salt Lake City Philadelphia Sacramento Provo Omaha Des Moines Baltimore Dover Oakland Champaign UTAH Denver ILLINOIS Columbus DELAWARE San Lincoln Annapolis Francisco St. Joseph Indianapolis OHIO WEST DC Springfield Cincinnati MARYLAND Grand Juction Kansas VIRGINIA Charlottesville Charleston Fresno COLORADO Colorado Oakley Salina Topeka City Kansas Effingham Richmond Springs City St Louis Lexington Beckley Cedar City Frankfort Roanoke Norfolk San Luis CALIFORNIA KANSAS Jefferson City VIRGINIA Obispo Bakersfield Las Vegas Durango Wichita MISSOURI KENTUCKY ARIZONA Raton Bowling Green Winston-Salem Santa Springfield Raleigh Yucca Ponca City Nashville NORTH CAROLINA Barbara Flagstaff Santa Fe Knoxville Oklahoma Charlotte San Bernadino Tulsa ARKANSAS Los Angeles Amarillo City Ft. Smith Chattanooga Memphis TENNESSEE Albuquerque Decatur SOUTH Columbia Lawton Little Rock Tupelo Atlanta CAROLINA San Diego Phoenix OKLAHOMA NEW MEXICO Augusta MISSISSIPPI Birmingham Macon Charleston Lubbock Texarkana Columbus Tucson Las Cruces Ft. Worth Montgomery Dallas Shreveport GEORGIA Savannah ALABAMA El Paso Odessa Waco LOUISIANA Jackson TEXAS Mobile Jacksonville Ft. Stockton Baton Rouge Tallahassee Austin Lake Charles Biloxi Pensacola Daytona Beach Houston New Orleans Nome ALASKA Morgan City Orlando San Antonio Galveston Anchorage Juneau Tampa Ft. Pierce FLORIDA W. Palm Beach Honolulu Corpus Christi Ft. Myers Ft. Lauderdale HAWAII Hilo Miami 100 200 Miles Key West BRUCE JONES DESIGN INC 2004

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