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Gastric Diseases.

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1 Gastric Diseases

2 Pay attention Gastric Ulcer Carcinoma of stomach

3 Gastric Ulcer ( belongs to peptic ulcers)

4 Gastric Ulcer -Causes Helicobacter pylori infection (70% in gastric ulcer,90% in duodenal ulcer) Drugs-NSAID, steroid Others-smoking, heredity, blood group O, hyperparathyroidism, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, chronic renal failure, emphysema

5 Causes-NSAID Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen that decrease pain and inflammation. Many can now be obtained without a doctor's prescription. NSAID may provoke peptic ulcer ,prevent healing…

6 Causes-blood group O Psychosomatic disease
Overproduction of gastric acid(somatic disease) Character: careless; casual ; unconcerned (psychological causation)

7 Causes-H. pylori infection
Helicobacter pylori --a species of spiral or straight gram-negative bacteria with multiple sheathed(具鞘的) flagella(鞭毛) found in the gastric mucosa of humans and other animals and associated with gastric ulcers as well as gastric cancers.

8 Heliobacter pylori

9 Causes-Hyperparathyroidism
Parathyroid glands are four pea-sized glands located just behind the thyroid gland in the front of the neck. The function of parathyroid glands is to produce a hormone called parathyroid hormone (parathormone), which helps regulate calcium and phosphate in the body. Hyperparathyroidism is the overproduction of this hormone.

10 when one or more parathyroid glands malfunctions, it can lead to overproduction of the hormone and elevated calcium level in the blood. Therefore, a common result of hyperparathyroidism is hypercalcemia, or an abnormally high level of calcium in the blood.

11 The abnormal condition may include development of gastric ulcers or pancreatitis because high calcium levels can cause inflammation and pain in the linings of the stomach and pancreas.

12 Causes- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
A condition characterized by severe peptic ulceration, gastric hypersecretion, elevated serum gastrin, and gastrinoma of the pancreas or the duodenum. It may occur in early childhood but is seen more commonly in people between 20 and 50 years of age. Two thirds of the tumors are malignant. Total gastrectomy may be necessary, but the administration of cimetidine in large doses may control gastric hypersecretion and allow the ulcers to heal.

13 Radiography Gastric ulcers appear as round or oval collections of barium. They may also be linear, rectangular or serpiginous. Ulcers may vary in size from very small lesions (termed erosions) to entities several cm in diameter. Large ulcers are more likely to cause complications such as bleeding and perforation. Most gastric ulcers are located on the lesser curvature or in the antrum of the stomach.

14 Gastric Ulcer (Benign )

15 Gastric Ulcer (Benign )

16 Gastric Ulcer (Benign )
tangential projection

17 Gastric Ulcer (Benign )
collar sign

18 Gastric Ulcer (Benign )
axial view

19 Gastric Ulcer (Benign )

20 Benign ulcer Malignant ulcer 1.Protrude outside the line of the lesser curvature. 1.Usually there is irregular filling defect,so lie within the outline of the lesser curvature. 2.Margin-regular. 2.Irregular 3.Overhaging mucosa at the margin of the ulcer may be seen as a line separating barium filled ulcer from barium filled stomach called Hampton’s line. 3.No such. 4.Associated with incisura on the opposite side in the greater curvature.

21 Benign Malignant

22 Gastric Ulcer (Malignant )

23 Gastric Ulcer (Malignant )
1.Agger/dike 2.Fissure impression

24 Gastric Ulcer (Malignant )

25 Gastric Ulcer (Malignant )

26 Carcinoma of stomach (gastric cancer)

27 Carcinoma of stomach -Causes
Causes are unknown. Predisposing factors are- 1.smoking 2.Alcohol 3.Diet Gastric surgery 5.Pernicious anemia 6.Adenomatous polyp 7.Infection with H. pylori 8.Blood group A 9.Familial

28 Causes-Diet Preservatives in diet such as nitrates(eg:NaNO3) converted to nitrosamines(NH4NO2 ) which is carcinogenic. Excess spicy food, salted, smoked and prickled food. Diets lacking fresh fruits and vegetables as well as Vit-C and Vit-A may also contribute.

29 Causes- Gastric surgery
Partial gastrectomy, gastrojejunostomy. This may cause intestinal metaplasia and chronic gastritis

30 Causes- Pernicious anemia
Progressive megaloblastic macrocytic anemia that results from a lack of intrinsic factor essential for the absorption of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Extreme weakness, numbness and tingling in the extremities, fever, pallor, anorexia, and loss of weight may occur. The condition is usually treated with cyanocobalamin injection and with folic acid and iron therapy.

31 Causes- Infection with H. pylori
It can cause chronic atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia which is precancerous. H. pylori may be responsible for 60% to 70% of all carcinomas, specially those patients who become hypo- or achlorhydric are at greater risk. Chronic inflammation with generation of reactive oxygen species and depletion of antioxidant ascorbic are also important.

32 Causes-familial There is 2 to 3 times increase incidence of carcinoma if family history is present.

33 Sites 50% in the antrum 20 to 30% in the body (commonly lesser curverture) 20% in the cardia

34 Pathological Types Adenocarcinoma accounts for 95% of gastric malignancies, the remaining 5% being composed of sarcomas. In general, carcinoma of stomach belongs to adenocarcinoma, which may be ulcerating, polypoid, diffuse, and fibrous, or superficial spreading lesions.

35 Four signals of earlier carcinoma of stomach
Pain in the epigastric zone -About ¼ patients have similar pains with peptic ulcer.  sense of fullness Anorexia, symptosis, asthenia   Digestive tract hemorrhage (Vomiting or positive occult blood test or melaena). Anemia

36 Early gastric cancer (EGC)
A carcinoma limited to the mucosa and submucosa, with or without lymph node involvement. This form of gastric carcinoma is reported less often in Europe and the USA than in Japan.

37 Classification of the EGCs
Based upon their gross appearance Type I : Protruding type (more than 5 mm) Type II : Superficial type, further subdivided into three subtypes: a. Elevated type b. Flat type; no elevation in the surrounding mucosa c. Depressed type; the surface is slightly depressed. Type III : Excavated

38 Diagram of the classification of early gastric cancer.

39 About the prognosis and staging
The prognosis and staging of gastric cancers are determined by wall penetration of primary disease, lymphatic metastasis and distant place metastasis. The size and location of primary cancer have not obvious contribution to judge the prognosis of the carcinoma.

40 Imaging Mushroom type (polypoid type)-irregular filling defect
Infiltrating type- bottle or tube like stomach Ulcerative type- “Inside” niche sign

41 Filling fefect sublobes Irregular surface Small niche sign
mushroom type Filling fefect sublobes Irregular surface Small niche sign

42 mushroom type

43 infiltrating type

44 Leather bottle stomach

45 Ulcerative type “Half a month ” syndrome Intracavitary Ulcer Circling agger Fissure sign digital impression rigid wall Crude borderline

46 Ulcerative type

47 Ulcerative type

48 carcinoma of gastric cardia
Distortion of gastric fundus, rigid wall Stricture lumen,inability of dilation Dilation in the proximal end Irregular outline Barium flows hard (Fluoroscopy)


50 Carcinoma of sinus ventriculi (antrum)

51 Carcinoma of sinus ventriculi (antrum)

52 Carcinoma of sinus ventriculi (antrum)

53 Carcinoma of sinus ventriculi (antrum)

54 Other investigations Hb%, TC (Total count of WBC), DC (differential count ), ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate ) USG of whole abdomen (to see any metastasis) Stool for occult blood test (positive if cancer with bleeding) To see recurrence-CEA (carcino-embryonic antigen ) may be done

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