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The U.S.S.R. Lenin’s Seizure and Consolidation of Power to 1922.

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Presentation on theme: "The U.S.S.R. Lenin’s Seizure and Consolidation of Power to 1922."— Presentation transcript:

1 The U.S.S.R. Lenin’s Seizure and Consolidation of Power to 1922

2 Post Feb / March Power sharing Provisional Government - liberals, socialists - democracy & human rights - continuation of war - revolution now complete Petrograd Soviet (workers council) -conditional support war continuation -next stage of revolution far off

3 Lenin and Bolsheviks Germany allows transit April Theses – –All Power to the Soviets –Revolution –End the War

4 Challenges to Kerensky’s Provisional Government Democratic reform Liberal democracy new Power sharing War continuation

5 Events leading to Oct / Nov revolution Bolsheviks promote “Peace, Land, Bread” Bolsheviks replace leadership in Soviet Relatively bloodless coup of key Petrograd buildings Kerensky’s government steps aside

6 Making the revolution secure Consolidate Support Deal with opposition

7 Consolidating Support “Peace, Land, Bread”

8 “Peace” Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Peace at any cost 30% pop 75% iron ore, coal


10 “Land, Bread” (and a classless society?) Decrees of Nov, Dec 1917 Constituent Assembly

11 Opposition? From the right –Romanov family -Nobility /landowners -Military officer class

12 Russian Civil War Reds Bolsheviks Cheka Whites Tsarists SR / Men Allies

13 War Communism Campaign to extract “surplus” wheat Campaign against “Kulaks” Results – –Grain decline from 78 million tons (1913) to 48 million (1920) –Kronsdat Naval Base mutiny 1921 –Famine kills 5 million plus –Helps success of Civil War

14 Red Victory – Why? “War Communism” Red Army / Leadership Organization / Logistics Peasant support

15 Leon Trotsky

16 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

17 Lenin’s Terror “Socialist Fatherland in Danger Decree” –Execution on the spot (without trial) of “enemy agents, speculators, burglars, hooligans, counter-revolutionary agitators, and German spies”

18 Lenin’s Policies New Economic Policy Comintern


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