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Kindergarten Team Barbara Bennett Janis Labinski Kristi Lookfong-TL Brittany Mayland Brenda Ryan- Para Professional Michelle Taylor Tanya Turner-Para.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Team Barbara Bennett Janis Labinski Kristi Lookfong-TL Brittany Mayland Brenda Ryan- Para Professional Michelle Taylor Tanya Turner-Para."— Presentation transcript:


2 Kindergarten Team Barbara Bennett Janis Labinski Kristi Lookfong-TL Brittany Mayland Brenda Ryan- Para Professional Michelle Taylor Tanya Turner-Para Professional Teresa Vazquez

3 Beginning weeks of Kindergarten Developing a sense of community. Developing an understanding of expectations, rules and routines. Brief assessing to find out what students already know or need to learn. Observing each students performance.

4 Kindergarten Literacy 1. Interactive Read Aloud 2. Shared Reading 3. Guided Reading 4. Interactive Writing 5. Shared Writing 6. Guided Writing 7. Integrated Word Study

5 Kindergarten Literacy 1.Guided Reading Students will begin guided reading when they demonstrate readiness. A level 2 book is shown below. This level is patterned story and student rely heavily on the picture cues while reading.

6 Kindergarten Literacy 1.Guided Reading A level 4 book tells a story. There is usually dialogue between the characters. See the Example below. This is when retelling stories independently becomes a focus.

7 Kindergarten Literacy 1.Reading Shared/Guided The end of year FBISD expectation for Kindergarten is a level 6. Please see the example text below.

8 Kindergarten Literacy 2. Developmental Stages of Literacy

9 Kindergarten Literacy Beginning of the year writing sample.

10 Kindergarten Literacy End of the year writing sample.

11 Kindergarten Math Teaching Elements: Every Day Counts Number Talks Whole Group Mini-Lessons Math Workstations Small Group Guided Instruction Problem Solving

12 Kindergarten Math

13 Curriculum and Instructional Goals * available online * Curriculum updates will be sent home for the upcoming grading period with your student’s report card.

14 Report Cards 1.Report cards are issued every nine weeks. 2. Deficiency reports will be sent home at the middle of the nine weeks if the student is struggling. S-satisfactory N-needs improvement

15 Blue Jay Folder 1. View child’s daily work. 2. Read all notes. 3. Initial daily conduct sheet. 4. Send folder back to school every morning. 5. Any parent notes or money should be placed in the folder.

16 Daily Schedule Character Ed./Health Reading Workshop Lunch Writing Workshop Math Workshop Outclass - art, music, P.E., science lab, library Recess Snack Social Studies Science * Order may vary

17 Homework Expectations Sent home on Tuesdays Return every Monday Read to your child daily (15 minutes minimum) Poetry book – sign & return every Monday Book box Guided reading books Be a cheerleader!

18 Lunch Read the menu with your child. Depositing money into your child’s account is suggested. When sending a check or cash, place it in an envelope. Write your child’s name and account number on the front.

19 Snack Healthy foods are best for growing children and learning. Post the Kindergarten snack list at home. Talk to your child about healthy snacks like fruit, veggies, cheese, and whole grains. Chips, cookies, candy, and drinks other than water are not acceptable. No messy snacks, please. Remember, our snack time is short. Send only 1or 2 snacks.

20 B e respectful! L ead by example! U se your manners! E xpect success! J ust be safe! A ttitude is everything! Y ield to think! Follow the Blue Jay Way!


22 Conversation No Talking! Help Raise your hand for emergencies only Action Walk to your new destination Movement Hands to yourself, behind the person in front of you, with your head facing forward Participation Keep pace with class and stay on the right side of the hallway HALL WAY

23 Conversation Voice Level 1 Help Raise your hand Action Eat your lunch Movement Sit facing forward while at table. Walk with 2 hands on tray Participation Finish eating in a timely manner and clean your area!

24 Reminders Absence notes must be submitted within 2 days for the absence to be excused. Staff is not on duty until 7:30. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:30 – 8:00. Non-edible birthday treats, such as pencils and stickers, may be passed out at the end of the day. Birthday invitations for a party outside of school may be passed out to every student in the class or all the students of the same gender as the birthday child.

25 Fit for life! Growing inside and out. School Motto 2012-2013

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