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Math Stuff. Multiplying 1 digit by 1 digit Multiplying is just taking 2 numbers. Ex: 2*5=___ You take 2 and write it down 5 times than add. So 2*5=10.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Stuff. Multiplying 1 digit by 1 digit Multiplying is just taking 2 numbers. Ex: 2*5=___ You take 2 and write it down 5 times than add. So 2*5=10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Stuff

2 Multiplying 1 digit by 1 digit Multiplying is just taking 2 numbers. Ex: 2*5=___ You take 2 and write it down 5 times than add. So 2*5=10 5*2=10 Easy way to multiply 5*47*2 3*68*7 Now you try multiplying 1 digit by 1 digit.

3 Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit It is easier if you write it down like this instead of this: Right Way Wrong Way 12 12*5=_____ * 5 ___________ You multiply the ones on the top which is the 2 and you multiply it by the ones on the bottom which is the 5 and that is 10. But you can’t put 10 so you put a 0 under the line in the 1’s place, then you put a 1 on top of the 1 on the top which is in the tens. So then you multiply the 1 on the top which is in the 10’s place and multiply it with the 5 on the bottom which is in the 1’s place, but don’t put 5 yet because you have to add not multiply just add the 1 on top of the 10’s place and add it to the 5 so it is 6. So when you are finished it should look like this: 12 * 5 ______ 60 54*367*2 Now you try it.

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