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Polar Bears in a Changing Climate Julene Reed Director of Academic Technology St. Georges Independent School Collierville, Tennessee Apple Distinguished.

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Presentation on theme: "Polar Bears in a Changing Climate Julene Reed Director of Academic Technology St. Georges Independent School Collierville, Tennessee Apple Distinguished."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polar Bears in a Changing Climate Julene Reed Director of Academic Technology St. Georges Independent School Collierville, Tennessee Apple Distinguished Educator Google Certified Teacher/Administrator STAR Discovery Educator








9 Curricular and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Focus on Authentic, Real–World Problems Teachers Learn with Students 24/7 Access to Information and Resources Action–Based with Solutions (Local/Global) With Technology, Students Create/Publish to a Global Audience

10 Curricular and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Focus on Authentic, Real–World Problems Teachers Learn with Students 24/7 Access to Information and Resources Action–Based with Solutions (Local/Global) With Technology, Students Create/Publish to a Global Audience

11 Curricular and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Focus on Authentic, Real–World Problems Teachers Learn with Students 24/7 Access to Information and Resources Action–Based with Solutions (Local/Global) With Technology, Students Create/Publish to a Global Audience

12 Curricular and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Focus on Authentic, Real–World Problems Teachers Learn with Students 24/7 Access to Information and Resources Action–Based with Solutions (Local/Global) With Technology, Students Create/Publish to a Global Audience


14 The Changing Climate Big Idea

15 How does climate change impact animal habitats and their environment? How do our actions impact the world? Essential Questions

16 Related Challenges: Challenge One: Raise awareness about the effects of climate changeon polar bear habitat (and the polar bears). Challenge Two: Reduce your carbon footprint either at home, at school, or in your community.

17 Guiding Questions Students generate guiding questions related to the challenge (and the big idea and essential question). These questions will guide their activities, resource utilization, solutions, and action plans.

18 Guiding Activities and Resources Students conduct research related to the guiding questions. Students conduct related or necessary experiments and investigations. Students contact experts to further investigate their guiding questions and collaboratively determine solutions and action plans.

19 Sample Questions What are some sources of CO2? How does CO2 cause the earth to warm? What is happening to polar bear habitat, and why is it happening? How are polar bears being affected? What changes have been observed? What are some things people are doing to reduce their carbon footprint?

20 Typical Resources






26 finding Dulcineafinding Dulcinea is a huge collection of meticulously reviewed credible, high–quality, and trustworthy websites.

27 Click to share selected results to your Google Docs account.Google Docs

28 Yolink will append the summaries, URLs, and website names to your Google Doc.

29 yolink generates a tinyurl to use with your social networks or download to your computer.


31 Assessment Ongoing Dynamic Process Student Involvement Online Rubric Resources Presentation to Peers Reflection (oral or written)

32 Local or Global Actions

33 Solutions Creative Solutions Student–designed Technology Utilization to Publish to Global Audience

34 Publishing with Technology




38 Address the NETS S Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Digital Citizenship




42 Polar Bears in a Changing Climate Julene Reed Director of Academic Technology St. Georges Independent School Collierville, Tennessee Apple Distinguished Educator Google Certified Teacher/Administrator STAR Discovery Educator

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