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By William Shakespeare

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1 By William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet By William Shakespeare

2 Essay question: Describe an important character in the text.
Explain why this character was important.

3 Brainstorm: Describe an important character
Romeo? ...... Evidence? Juliet or ? ..... Evidence? ....

4 Brainstorm: Explain why this character was important.
Important Theme/s? .... ..... How does Romeo/Juliet/? help to show the theme? Evidence? Relevance to you/teenagers? .

5 DECIDE:. Describe an important character
DECIDE: Describe an important character. Explain why this character was important. Describe Which character? What about them? Action? Quotes? . Evidence? Explain Theme: Reasons why he/she important . Relevance? =So what?

6 Describe an important character in the text
Describe an important character in the text. Explain why this character was important. Basic introduction: In “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, an important character was He/she was describe him/her here.... He/she was important in the book because he/she showed reasons and relevance. Earthquake Check: have I answered the question?

7 Earthquake Check: have I answered the question?
Describe an important character in the text. Explain why this character was important. Make it more interesting? Make a statement which sums up what you want to say? Use a relevant quote? Begin with the relevance? In “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, an important character was He/she was describe him/her here.... He was important in the book because he showed reasons and relevance. Earthquake Check: have I answered the question?

8 Statement: Romeo was ……….
As many paragraphs as you need: Statement: Romeo was ………. Examples/Evidence. He …. Did what?… said what? Explanation When he did/said this he meant… and this showed.. Statement Examples/Evidence EXplanation Statement Examples/Evidence EXplanation

9 Conclusion Go back over your answers to the question Be creative in the way you repeat your answer XXXX was a...describe and person, shown by the way he/she ..brief examples and He was important because he/she showed by his actions when and when he said This theme of was important in the book because It is also important in teenagers lives because......

10 Check list Did I answer BOTH parts of the question?
Did I start each paragraph with a STATEMENT of my main point? Did I give EXAMPLE/S to back up each statement? Did I EXPLAIN HOW my example/s showed my point? Do my INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION show that I know what my main points were? Have I proofread for silly errors? Does this look like my best work?

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