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University of Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina Developing information literacy for lifelong learning and knowledge economy in the Western Balkans - overall.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina Developing information literacy for lifelong learning and knowledge economy in the Western Balkans - overall."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina Developing information literacy for lifelong learning and knowledge economy in the Western Balkans - overall progress RINGIDEA, Tirana, 11.032013

2 The University of Mostar comprises Faculties: Agriculture Economics Civil engineering Medicine Law Mechanical engineering and computing Philosophy Natural Science and Education Health studies Academy of fine arts Pharmacy Institutes for: –Agriculture –Economics –Civil engineering –Croatian language, literature and history –Latin language –Law –Mechanical engineering –Social researches Other: –University library –Student Hostel (Hall of Residence) –Student Union and Student Associations, –Student Services –University Sport Facilities

3 University of Mostar – facts More than 16000 students 1000 teachers and associates From 2005/2006 the University established three Cycles according to Bologna In 2006 the first generation was enrolled in doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philosophy In 2008/2009 the first generation was enrolled in the second cycle

4 The studies are composed of following three levels: FIRST CYCLE SECOND CYCLE UNDERGRADUATE STUDY DOCTORAL STUDY MASTER STUDY Bachelor 3-4 YEARS 180-240 ECTS 1-2 YEARS 60-120 ECTS Master 3 YEARS 180 ECTS PhD THIRD CYCLE

5 University organisational structure – present state Faculties are still legal bodies Employment at faculty level Students’ enrollment at faculty level Small number of services (offices) at university level (Office for international cooperation, QA office) Commissions at university level: For Bologna process For normative activities For interuniversity cooperation For finance, investment and development

6 Libraries at University University library + faculty libraries Total of 40000 literary units, 5650 different titles Total of 850 m 2 of space 14 employees

7 University library Trained staff with certification exam Part of COBBIS Co-operative Online Bibliographic Systems and Services reference model of a system representing the platform for the national library information systems of Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

8 University library Service of database search Access to online databases: EBSCO ARDI

9 Faculty Libraries Offer Books Journals Handbooks Graduaton, master, PhD thesis of former students

10 Faculty Libraries Some of them part of COBBIS: Law faculty Agriculture faculty Philosophy faculty Access to databases Economics: EBSCO Medical: OVID, Springer (partial access);HINARI, Web of science end similar medical DB (interlibrary exchange)

11 Other sources of information Individual (faculty) web sites: General information Important announcements Learning materials


13 Student side Library activity – connection between space,structure and habits varies from faculty to faculty Not familiar with existance of COBBIS Not familiar with other databases Quick solution: google search

14 Student side Negative student habits with information gathering: “Copy-paste” method Unorganized collected information Lack of effort at information search Basic english knowledge ICT literacy (poor)

15 Academic staff Searching and using electronic databases (domestic and international) Using other libraries (e.g. Croatia) Individual efforts, not institutionally supported (financial reasons) Poor subscription to paper or electronic scientific journals (lack of finance)

16 Administrative staff Subscription to official papers and gazettes Accounting seminars (obligatory for certified accountants)

17 The concept of IL Mostly unmentioned Unknown by general public No special programs or initiatives for IL per se

18 IL in disguise Within courses at some faculties methodology of scientific work introduction to seminar paper etc.

19 IL news Study program „information sciences” at Philosophy Faculty Started in academic 2011/12 Oriented at searching, evaluating and selecting information with basic skills of their description, protection and presentation

20 Perceived needs Public identification of IL concept Better introduction of IL to students (and academic and administrative staff) Practical work with students to enhance their IL

21 Progress on activites of IL project at University of Mostar How will IL be embedded into curricula? Have the IL programs now been approved at the highest level? How the IL programs will be taught? How IL will be promoted? How University of Mostar will involve the community in the IL programs?

22 How will IL be embedded into curricula? Elective course or Include chapter(s) concerning to the IL in the syllabus of existing subjects related to the matter: methodology of scientific work introduction to seminar paper etc.

23 Have the IL programs now been approved at the highest level? Technical issues of changing curricula because faculties are still legal bodies: Commision(s) Faculty Councile Senat of University It is easier to include IL in existing curricula (no needs for changing curricula, only syllabus of some subjects)

24 How the IL programs will be taught? 10 practitioners will be trained in IL at University of Mostar (through Tempus project RINGIDEA) They will run training for others at Faculties of University of Mostar Practical work with students

25 How IL will be promoted? Dissemination Flyers Circular e-mails Web sites of faculties etc.

26 How University of Mostar will involve the community in the IL programs. IL seminars, workshops Questionnaires related on IL which will help to improve content and methodology of teaching and training etc.

27 Summery of activities done till March 2013 Initial activities runed under certain technical difficulties ( transition of authorities on university level, final adoption of the Law of High Education ) integrity of the IL team wasn’t questionable Preparations and organisation of SWG meeting in Mostar held from 25-28th June 2012

28 Summery of activities done till March 2013 October 2012 –although short period betwen reception of questionary -“Training needs analyses “ survey was sucessfully involved all relevant University members Project documentation translated-publishing in process (public tender procedure) Prepartions for training are in process

29 Summery of activities done till March 2013 Disseminations are planned during April, May through faculty councils, Deans, student organisations and various internal channel (news on websites, posters, etc) Beginning of June is planned for public promotion of translated publications

30 University of Mostar Thank you for your attention!

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