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Presentation to the Indian Press Group 28 th December 2003 – Metro Hotel Melbourne Greg Chappell Ian Frazer.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the Indian Press Group 28 th December 2003 – Metro Hotel Melbourne Greg Chappell Ian Frazer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the Indian Press Group 28 th December 2003 – Metro Hotel Melbourne Greg Chappell Ian Frazer

2 Feedback about the optimisation and safety is the release point The same principles apply in bowling

3 The indicator is the ball release forward of the bodies centre of mass

4 The quality of the ground reaction forces generated will determine if the ball is released forward of the centre of mass

5 The ground reaction forces generated as a result of the bowler unweighting, are the result of the previous forward and rotational momentum of the body

6 The action of the touchdown results in the reaction of the levers for optimisation, provided the levers have been set up properly prior to unweighting

7 What happens isn’t What makes it Happen! Momentum!Coil!

8 But isn’t Brett a Front on bowler?

9 Isn’t this the most efficient method? Or is this?

10 The bowling arm initiates the jump

11 It then, importantly, initiates the coil

12 The top half of the body is now set up with a “Degree of Separation” to the bottom half. It can know work efficiently provided it has sufficient forward momentum and avoids falling through the unweighting

13 All the top bowlers naturally load to optimise the momentum out into release

14 Animals are wonderful examples of how the body uses the different segments to optimise movement. Take some time and watch how they use extension, flexion, rotation, ground reaction forces and run ups to achieve appropriate end goals

15 The energy out of touchdown determines the safe optimal use of the levers

16 The best optimise the lever length for the requirements,thereby optimising arm momentum (mass x velocity)

17 Given the top half has set up the coil, it is the top half that begins the rotation out. But remember the bottom half has greater mass so it must have been appropriately loaded or it will manipulate the optimal patterning!

18 A study done in the early 70’s at the University of Western Australia highlights the hip drop when the body is loaded with insufficient momentum

19 Dennis improvement in his ability to load the body is clearly evident in the before and after pictures

20 Set it up appropriately and the body will naturally deliver

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