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In our spiritual and moral development we will: Consider the feelings of the pioneers of flight including the first man on the moon. As members of our.

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Presentation on theme: "In our spiritual and moral development we will: Consider the feelings of the pioneers of flight including the first man on the moon. As members of our."— Presentation transcript:

1 In our spiritual and moral development we will: Consider the feelings of the pioneers of flight including the first man on the moon. As members of our world and wider community we will: Appreciate the wonders of the Earth and Outer Space. As part of our enriched curriculum we will: Visit the Fleet Air Arm and Helicopter Museum. As enterprising people we will: Following our own lines of enquiry and researching aspects of Space that particularly interest us or make us ask questions. As Historians we will be exploring the history of flight to include the Montgolfier and the Wright Brothers. We will also be considering some famous people - the first person in Space, Yuri Gagarin and the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong. As Geographers we will be making a birds eye view map of the school and plan of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Planets in Space to include work on the compass and a key for the map. As Scientists we will be investigating balance and flight particularly the flight of hot air balloons and aeroplanes. We will also be considering the night sky, the sun, the earth and the moon in space and the planets in the solar system. As Artists and Designers we will be drawing dots, lines/patterns from planes and clouds, painting hot air balloon designs and cloud pictures, collaging moon scenes and making paper maiche planets or hot air balloons. As Musicians we will be listening and appraising Hollst – the Planets. French: saying our age, months of the year and our birthdays. PSHE: Drugs Education – the role of medicines and Safer Internet Day R.E: Why are some books special? and Easter P.E: Multi-Skills and Dance Areas of learning Enterprise Enrichment World and Community Spiritual and Moral Up in the Air and Beyond ©2010 Chris Quigley Education ltd

2 Skills Writing, presenting and broadcasting Stories Plays Instructions Recounts Persuasive writing Explanations Non-chronological reports Using communication Learning across the curriculum Learning and thinking skills Children will ask their own questions They will judge the value of information they find out through research They will use their imagination to envisage possibilities During the process of planning children will try out alternatives Children will communicate through advertising and through broadcasting Children will evaluate the success of their actions in relation to the original purpose Personal and emotional skills As part of review children will identify where they contributed well and will identify areas for development Social skills Children will work collaboratively They will negotiate, respecting others’ roles within the group, and they will resolve conflicts as they arise They will adapt their behaviour to suit the situation Personal development Modelling Predict, plan and try out options Estimate Calculating Measures Quantities, including fractions Interpreting data Reading graphs, charts and tables Justifying Using mathematical language to explain Using mathematics Searching Websites Databases Developing ideas and making things happen Graphics Text Multimedia Communication E mail and messages Using ICT Subject Key Skills History, geography and citizenship Generate ideas Observe and explore to generate ideas, define problems and pose questions in order to develop investigations and products. Investigate, observe and record Engage safely in practical investigations and experiments and gather and record evidence by observation and measurement. Design, make and improve Apply practical skills to design, make and improve products safely, taking account of users and purposes. Explain Communicate and model in order to explain and develop ideas, share findings and conclusions. Evaluate Continually make systematic evaluations when designing and making, to bring about improvements in processes and outcomes. Science and design technology Explore Explore, investigate and experiment from a range of stimuli and starting points, roles, techniques, approaches, materials and media. Create Create, design, devise, compose and choreograph individual and collective work. Improvise Improvise, rehearse and refine in order to improve capability and the quality of artworks. Present Present, display and perform for a range of audiences, to develop and communicate ideas and evoke responses. Evaluate Use arts-specific vocabulary to respond to, evaluate, explain, analyse, question and critique their own and other people’s artistic works. Art, dance and drama PSHE and PE Investigate Undertake investigations and enquiries, using various methods, media and sources. Analyse Compare, interpret and analyse different types of evidence from a range of sources. Communicate Present and communicate findings in a range of ways and develop arguments and explanations using appropriate specialist vocabulary and techniques. Consider and respond Consider, respond to and debate alternative viewpoints in order to take informed and responsible action. Reflect and evaluate Reflect on and evaluate evidence when making personal choices or bringing about improvements in performance and behaviour. Plan and implement Generate and implement ideas, plans and strategies, exploring alternatives. Move with control Move with ease, poise, stability and control in a range of physical contexts. Present Present, display and perform for a range of audiences, to develop and communicate ideas and evoke responses. Evaluate Use arts-specific vocabulary to respond to, evaluate, explain, analyse, question and critique their own and other people’s artistic works.

3 Analyse evidence: Compare, interpret and analyse different types of evidence from a range of sources. History, geography and citizenship Investigate: Undertake investigations and enquiries, using various methods, media and sources. I use evidence to find answers to questions about the past. I use skills and sources of evidence to respond to a range of geographical questions. I give reasons for my observations and views about places and environments. I explore issues that affect people in my area and other areas in different ways. I find answers to questions using different sources. I recognise that in a democracy people have a say in what happens locally and nationally. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas I identify some of the different ways in which the past has been represented. I show some of the similarities and differences between periods I have studied. I am aware that different places may have both similar and different characteristics that influence the lives and activities of people living there. I describe some of the different features of my community and how it is changing. I am aware people’s rights can clash. Level 3 Objectives I observe or handle evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past. I use artefacts, pictures, stories, the Internet and databases to investigate the past.I investigate the character of my own area. I use information (including the Internet) and my own observations to help me to ask and answer questions about places and environments. I recognise how people affect the environment.I ask questions to find out about the different groups and communities I belong to. I investigate what is fair and unfair in different situations. I identify some of the different ways in which the past has been represented. I recognise that my life is different from the lives of people in the past.I use information that is given to me to find out about places or environments. I make my own observations. I use the Internet to find out about places. I make notes about the features that give places their character.I select information from given sources to find answers to questions. I identify similarities and differences between myself and between the communities to which people in the UK belong. I identify the difference between people’s needs and wants.

4 Consider and respond: Consider, respond to and debate alternative viewpoints in order to take informed and responsible action. History, geography and citizenship Communicate: Present and communicate findings in a range of ways and develop arguments and explanations using appropriate specialist vocabulary and techniques. I use dates and other historical vocabulary. I describe some of the main events, people and periods I have studied. I place people and periods I have studied into different periods of time. I describe the physical and human features of different localities. I give explanations for the location of some of those features. I use appropriate vocabulary to communicate my findings.I present my ideas to others I describe some of the rights and responsibilities people have towards each other and the environment. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas I suggest causes and consequences of the main events and changes in history. I recognise that people seek to improve and sustain environments. I am aware of other viewpoints. I identify what could be done to change things in communities. I plan some action and take part in decision making activities with others. Level 3 Objectives I use words and phrases such as: recently, when my parents/carers were children, decades, and centuries to describe the passing of time. I place events and objects in order on a time line. I describe topics, events and people I have studied.I describe physical and human features of places. I use geographical vocabulary. I write and present my findings.I share my ideas about issues affecting our community with others. I develop reasons for my opinions and communicate them. I recognise that there are reasons why people in the past acted as they did. I give my views on an environment or a locality. I give opinions about communities and issues that affect me. I suggest how things might be improved through my actions or the actions of others.

5 Investigate, observe and record Engage safely in practical investigations and experiments and gather and record evidence by observation and measurement. Generate ideas Observe and explore to generate ideas, define problems and pose questions in order to develop investigations and products. I respond to suggestions and put forward my own ideas about how to investigate an idea or find answers to questions. I generate ideas. I recognise that my designs have to meet a range of different needs and users. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas I recognise why it is important to collect data to investigate ideas and answer questions. I use texts to find information. I recognise risks with help. I make relevant observations and measure quantities [such as length or mass, using a range of equipment]. I record findings in a variety of ways, including simple tables or charts. Level 3 Objectives Science and design technology I respond to suggestions and make my own suggestions, with help, about how to collect data and answer questions. I generate ideas based on my investigations of products. I plan what to do next based on my experience of working with materials and components. I find information by using simple texts, with help. I follow instructions in order to stay safe. I make observations and measurements to compare living things, objects and events, using simple equipment.

6 Evaluate To continually make systematic evaluations when designing and making, to bring about improvements in processes and outcomes. Design, make and improve Apply practical skills to design, make and improve products safely, taking account of users and purposes. I choose appropriate tools, equipment, components and techniques to make my functional products. I think ahead about the order of my work and make realistic plans for achieving my aims. I apply my knowledge and understanding of the nature of materials to cut shape and join them with some accuracy. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas I suggest improvements in my work. After reflecting on the design and make process and my products, I identify some improvements. Level 3 Objectives Science and design technology I assemble, join and combine materials and components in a variety of ways to make functional products. I select appropriate tools, techniques and materials, explaining my choices. I say whether what happened was what I expected. I recognise what I have done well and suggest things I could do better in the future.

7 Explain Communicate and model in order to explain and develop ideas, share findings and conclusions. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas I carry out fair tests with some help, recognising and explaining what makes them fair. I communicate in a scientific way what I have found out. I give explanations for observations and for simple patterns in recorded measurements.I use my knowledge of basic life processes of growth and reproduction, to describe similarities, differences and changes in the plants, animals, and non-living things I observe. I give simple explanations of these changes and differences linking cause and effect [such as lack of light or water affecting plant growth, and identify ways in which animals or plants are suited to their environments].I use my knowledge and understanding to sort materials into groups in a variety of ways according to their properties. I give simple explanations of the ways in which some materials are suited to specific purposes [such as glass for windows or copper for electrical cables]. I classify changes in materials as reversible [such as water freezing, and non-reversible, such as baking of cakes].I use my knowledge and understanding to link cause and effect in explanations of my observations of the properties and effects of light, sound, forces and electricity [such as a bulb failing to light because of a break in an electrical circuit, or a push or pull changing the speed or direction of a moving object]. I make simple generalisations [such as sounds getting fainter the further the listener is from the source].I clarify ideas when asked. I use words, labeled sketches and models to communicate the details of my designs. Level 3 Objectives Science and design technology I record findings using simple tables and communicate observations using scientific vocabulary. I use my knowledge to describe plants and animals, the places they are found and the basic conditions they need in order to survive. I recognise and describe simple similarities and differences between the plants, humans and other animals I observe, using these to sort them into groups. I recognise that different plants and animals are found in different places.I use my knowledge to identify a range of common materials and some of their properties. I recognise and describe similarities and differences between the materials I observe, using these to sort them into groups. I recognise and describe ways in which some materials are changed by heating or cooling or by processes such as bending or stretching.I use my knowledge to recognise, describe and compare the properties and effects of light, sound, forces and electricity. [Such as the ways in which devices work in different electrical circuits, the brightness or colour of lights, the loudness of sounds or the speed or direction of different objects.]I use models, pictures and words to describe my designs.

8 Create Create, design, devise, compose and choreograph individual and collective work. Explore Explore, investigate and experiment from a range of stimuli and starting points, roles, techniques, approaches, materials and media. I explore ideas in different ways. I collect information and practical resources in order to make choices about my work. I notice and explore the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively. I respond to given starting points for dance I explore a variety of movements I explore and develop my ideas in a group Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas I investigate and use the qualities of materials and methods to develop my own practical skills. I compose music that combines musical elements. I combine several layers of sound with an awareness of the combined effect.I choreograph and then refine my movements into sequences. I create and develop a role for a situation. Level 3 Objectives Art, dance and drama I explore lots of different materials and methods. I recognise and explore how sounds can be organised. I respond to starting points given to me.I explore and repeat dance movements I explore playing in role. I show control in the methods and materials I use in my work. I choose carefully and order sounds in a beginning, middle and end. I perform simple patterns and accompaniments keeping to a steady pulse. I choose the best movements to communicate a mood or feeling. I respond to the suggestions of others and I share my ideas

9 Present Present, display and perform for a range of audiences, to develop and communicate ideas and evoke responses. Improvise Improvise, rehearse and refine in order to improve capability and the quality of artworks. I adapt and improve my own work when making images and artefacts. I improvise repeated patterns. I improvise with ideas and movements. I ‘become’ a character, acting as the character would in any given situation. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas I communicate my ideas and meanings. I sing in tune with expression. I perform simple melodic and rhythmic parts. My dance movements communicate an idea. My dance movements are clear and fluent.I think about where to stand so that the audience can see everything. Level 3 Objectives Art, dance and drama I have ideas and make some choices about what I do. I improvise in making sounds and with my voice. I link two or more actions together to make a sequence. I act in a role with my character’s thoughts and opinions. My artwork shows my ideas. I sing with a sense of the shape of the melody. I perform my dance actions with control and co- ordination. I keep a storyline and my character going throughout. I perform in a way that shows I understand that an audience is watching.

10 Evaluate Use arts-specific vocabulary to respond to, evaluate, explain, analyse, question and critique their own and other people’s artistic works. They describe the work of others commenting on the ideas and purposes that they encounter. I discuss my work, and that of others using appropriate vocabulary. I make improvements to my own work, commenting on the intended effect.I know that dance can express a variety of ideas or situations. I identify drama techniques used to interest an audience. For example, I can talk about how using a freeze or slow motion, accents or positioning helps to make the audience experience a particular feeling. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas Level 3 Objectives Art, dance and drama I describe some of the characteristics of different kinds of art, craft and design. I suggest ways to improve my own workI represent sounds with symbols. I notice how music can be used to create different moods and effects and to communicate ideas. I improve my own work.I explain the meaning of my dance movements. I evaluate my own and others dances.I say what is good about my own drama performance and suggest improvements. I comment on some one else’s performance and say what they need to do to improve.

11 Plan and Implement Generate and implement ideas, plans and strategies, exploring alternatives. Reflect and Evaluate Reflect on and evaluate evidence when making personal choices or bringing about improvements in performance and behaviour. I work and behave safely. I discuss I say how my work is similar to and different from others’. I use this understanding to improve my own performance. I give reasons why warming up before an activity is important. I give reasons why physical activity is good for my health. I use my thinking skills to help solve problems. I have a good attitude to coming up with ideas. I adapt well. I persevere I come up with creative solutions. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas I select and use the most appropriate skills, actions and ideas. I choose the appropriate tactics to cause a problem for the opposition. I follow rules in a game. I keep possession of a ball (feet, hockey stick, hands). I improvise with ideas and movements. I use plans and diagrams to help me get from one place to another. I enjoy solving problems or challenges outdoors.I plan and help prepare simple healthy meals. I develop strategies for managing and controlling strong feelings and emotions. With help I form and maintain relationships with a range of different people. Level 3 Objectives PSHE and PE I talk about the differences between my own and others’ performances. I say what has gone well and why. I identify how a performance could be improved. I can describe how my body feels during different activities, using parts of the body to describe the effects. I know how to exercise safely by looking for space, others’ and by warming up properly.I discuss why healthy eating and physical activity are beneficial. I discuss the physical changes to my body since birth. I identify different relationships that I have and why these are important. I use the terms ‘opponent’ and ‘team-mate’ when playing games. I use my rolling, hitting and kicking skills in games. I decide on the best position to be in during a game. I have developed some tactics for the game I am playing. I make healthy eating choices and prepare simple healthy foods. I manage my own personal hygiene. I recognise, manage and control strong feelings and emotions.With help I think of ideas. With support I help in solving problems with more than one solution. With help I join in with my group.

12 Find and check information Find information and check its accuracy, including the different ways that issues are presented by different viewpoints and media. Move with control Move with ease, poise, stability and control in a range of physical contexts. I move with co-ordination and control. I throw and catch a ball with control and accuracy. I strike a ball and field with control. My dance movements communicate an idea. I refine my movements into sequences. My dance movements are clear and fluent. I know that dance can express a variety of things. My body is balanced. My shapes are controlled. I plan, perform and repeat sequences. My sequences include changes in speed and level. I work on improving strength and suppleness by practising stretches and shapes. I can swim between 25 and 50 metres. My arms and legs are co-ordinated. I use more than one swimming stroke. I swim both on the surface and below the surface of the water. My breathing is co-ordinated with the stroke I am using. I can sprint over a short distance. I can run over a longer distance, conserving energy. I have a range of throwing techniques (underarm, over arm, putting and hurling). I throw with accuracy to hit a target. I can jump in a number of ways, sometimes using a short run- up. I can follow a sketch map of places known to me. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas With help I find out about the impact of some harmful and beneficial substances on the body. With help I find out about the physical and emotional changes that take place as I grow and approach puberty. I understand why people work and the different jobs people do. I understand what influences the choices people make about how money is spent. (eg Ethical spending, advertising, lifestyle choices, media etc) Level 3 Objectives PSHE and PE I explore how some substances can help or harm the body. I explore the similarities and differences between people.I find out about the different types of work people do and about different places of work. I find out where money comes from and the choices people make to spend money on things they need and want. I copy and remember actions. I repeat and explore skills. I move with careful control, co-ordination and care. I perform my dance actions with control and co- ordination. I link two or more actions together to make a sequence. I remember and repeat dance movements. I choose the best movements to communicate a mood or feeling. I plan sequences of movements. I can show contrasts such as small/tall, straight/ curved and wide/narrow. My movements are controlled. I can balance on different points of my body. I can swim up to 20m using my arms and my legs to move Using floats, I swim with a controlled leg kick I describe different swimming strokes

13 Communicate Communicate clearly and interact with a range of audiences to express views on issues that affect their wellbeing. I join in discussions about: Lifestyle choices Healthy meals Recognising emotions Substance misuse Relationships How the human body changes with growth. I give my views on how the media influences how people spend money. Key Skill Level 2 Objectives Basic Skills / Lesson Ideas Level 3 Objectives PSHE and PE I join in with discussions about: Similarities and differences between people. Harmful substances. My feelings. Healthy meals. RelationshipsI tell people my ideas and what I have found out. I tell people how I feel.

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