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St. Francis Xavier: His Life story St. Francis Xavier was born On April 7, 1506 in Xavier, Kingdom of Navarre. Francis’s Father died when He was only.

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2 St. Francis Xavier: His Life story

3 St. Francis Xavier was born On April 7, 1506 in Xavier, Kingdom of Navarre. Francis’s Father died when He was only 5 years old on 1515 because of war. But his Mother saw to it that he Received the best education.

4 He studied first in his Country and later on went to The University of Paris to Study which was then the Most famous university in The world. He met St. Ignatius of Loyola while they Were both students in the University of Paris.

5 Francis was an outstanding Student. He was very smart And had many ambitions. Being a handsome and Intelligent young man, and Someone who was very Active in sports, he was very Popular.

6 But when Francis met Ignatius of Loyola, and Became his best friend, his Life completely changed. Francis was inspired by Ignatius’ great love for Christ.

7 So he decided to join Ignatius In his work of serving and Teaching the people of God. Together with Ignatius and 5 others, in founding the Society of Jesus.

8 On August 15 1534, in a small Chapel in Montmarte, they Made a vow of poverty, Chastity and obedience. Francis was then sent on Countless missions in the Most remote places to preach About the kingdom of God.

9 Francis has been sent to Places like: India Portugal Africa Sri Lanka Indonesia Japan

10 He dreamt of going to China To preach but his dream Never came true. He died at Dec. 3 1552 in Sancian Island while waiting for the boat that Promised to smuggle him to Mainland China.

11 He died while laying On his bed, looking at the Cross and saying “Christ” The cause of his death was High fever.

12 Facts about St. Francis Xavier: He was born, April 7 1506 He died at Decenber 3 1552 His feast day is Dec. 3 He is our school’s Patron saint

13 Let us now watch the short video clip.

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