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TEACHING WRITTEN CALCULATIONS St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary.

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Presentation on theme: "TEACHING WRITTEN CALCULATIONS St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEACHING WRITTEN CALCULATIONS St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary

2 Introduction Common approach – so the children don’t get confused Mainly start recording fromY1 onwards Stages relate to year groups but not all children at year group level Cover all calculations today – am available afterwards, or speak to class teacher Presentation on school website

3 ADDITION Stage 1 –Teachers demonstrate number lines 8 + 5 = 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

4 Stage 2 – Children use empty number lines starting with the largest number and counting on 34+23 = 57 344454 55 56 57 344454 57 3454 57

5 Stage 3 Make sure children count from largest number first. Example 38 + 86 = swap to 86 + 38 =

6 Children begin to work in columns 67 +24 11(7+4) 80(60 +20) 91

7 Stage 4 – Children begin to carry below the line 783 +42 825 1

8 Stages 5 and 6 Children use larger numbers Children use decimal numbers

9 Have a go!! How would you use a number line to demonstrate 28 + 54 = Use the column method to calculate 345 + 67 =

10 SUBTRACTION Stage 1 – Teachers demonstrate number lines 13 – 5 = 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 131415

11 Stage 2 – Children use empty number lines 47-23 = 24 25 26 273747 24273747 242747

12 Counting on 82-47 = 47 48 49 50607080 81 82

13 Stage 3 – Children use column method 71 – 46 = 701 -406

14 Stages 4,5 and 6 – Larger numbers, leading to short method 754 -286

15 Have a go!! How would you use a number line to demonstrate 58 – 24 = Use the short column method to calculate 654 – 482 =

16 MULTIPLICATION – Stage 1 and 2 Children must understand that multiplication is repeated addition 5x3 =5+5+5 051015

17 Need to understand that: 3x5 is the same as 5x3 03691215

18 Stages 3 and 4 – Children continue to use number lines and arrays X104 6

19 Grid method 23 x 8 = x203 816024 160 +24 184

20 Short method 38 x 7 = 38 x7 266 5

21 Grid method for TU X TU X506 201000120 735042 1350162 1350 +162 1512 1

22 Stages 5 and 6 – Short method 56 x 27 = Children approximate first: 60 x 30 = 1800 56 X27 39256x7 112056x20 1512 1

23 Have a go!!! Use the grid method to calculate 43 x 6 Try the short method Calculate 56 x 43 using the grid method and short method

24 DIVISION – Stage 1 and 2 – Children understand that division is repeated subtraction - 4 groups of 3 in 12 12 3 = 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

25 Stage 3 – Children continue to use repeated addition on number lines including remainders 13 4 = 3 r 1 0 15913

26 Stage 4 – Short division using chunking method 72 3 = 24 3)72 - 30 10 x 42 - 3010 x 12 - 62 x 6 62 x Answer = 24 0

27 Stages 5 and 6 – Children use larger multiples and numbers 864 24 = 36 24)864 - 72030 x 144 - 723 x 72 - 723 x Answer = 36 0

28 Other Year 6 methods Please look at the leaflets/website. These are used if children are having difficulties with the chunking method

29 Have a go!! Use a number line to demonstrate 14 7 = 2 Use the chunking method to work out 65 5 = 210 15 =

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