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How have social justice movements shaped Canadian society? Brianna Greaves, Sarah Peek, Laura Sparling, Yaya Yao CHC 2P.

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Presentation on theme: "How have social justice movements shaped Canadian society? Brianna Greaves, Sarah Peek, Laura Sparling, Yaya Yao CHC 2P."— Presentation transcript:

1 How have social justice movements shaped Canadian society? Brianna Greaves, Sarah Peek, Laura Sparling, Yaya Yao CHC 2P

2 Minds On: Locating Africville

3 The Unit What impact have social movements had on Canadian society? How successful have social movements been in building justice?

4 The Culminating Activity “Rethinking Canadian History: A People’s History of Social Justice” A Class Exhibit

5 Activity 1: What is Social Justice? The personal is political

6 Activity 2: Social Reform Reading primary sources

7 Activity 3: Africville Understanding historical significance

8 Activity 4: AIDS Advocacy Understanding ethical dimensions of history

9 Activity 5: What caused the Oka “Crisis”? Analyze cause and consequence

10 One learning activity we love…

11 An activity in analysing for historical accuracy Bain, Colin, Dennis Des Rivieres, Peter Flaherty et al. (2000) Making History - The Story of Canada in the Twentieth Century, Pearson Education Canada: Don Mills, ON

12 Detecting bias in our history textbooks

13 Questions?

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