Australian Curriculum + Online Planning Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Australian Curriculum + Online Planning Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australian Curriculum + Online Planning Tool



4 Content descriptors have Elaborations which help to clarify or unpack the content to be taught.

5 Each Year Level has a specific Year Level Description and Achievement Statement which further clarifies what students should know and do.


7 Adventist Schools SQ will be implementing the Australian Curriculum for English, Mathematics and Science in 2012 Working groups have completed sample Scope and Sequence/Yearly Overviews and some Sample Units, as well as other resources. These resources will be uploaded to the OLPT for all staff to access.

8 Sample Yearly Overview: this will not change, but will need to have content descriptors instead of Knowledge & Understanding and Ways of Working.

9 The Online Planning Tool is a web based resource bank which allows teachers to write units, upload resources and view and adapt units/resources written by other teachers in our conference. All resources for the implementation of the Australian Curriculum will be accessed through the system Online Planning Tool. um/ um/

10 Sample Yearly Overviews can be found right at the top of the page once you enter the unit plan section. Here you can find the Sample work done by the working groups for the AC or other Yearly Overviews completed by individual teachers or departments..

11 To create a new unit, follow the same process as before. 1. Select Subject

12 2. Select Year Level

13 3. Click on Unit Plans

14 4. Turn Editing on


16 5. Add an activity 6. Choose Unit Plan from the drop down

17 7.Name unit etc. You must tick the box that says “Is AC Unit Plan”

18 8.Fill in rest of boxes including choosing Content Descriptors for your unit. 9. Select Content Descriptors. NB. You will not see the elaborations in your unit plan, you will only see them when you are selecting the content descriptors. Be sure to save changes at the bottom of the page.

19 11.The most important part of the unit… the resources. Any worksheets, websites, scootle links etc that you have found can be uploaded. This also includes any audio files and video images. This will ensure that people can share units with more integrity than is currently possible. Follow the instructions on the next pages to learn how to upload a resource.

20 - Go to the drop down menu: Add a resource and click on - Link to a file or website

21 - Name your resource and then click on Choose or upload a file…

22 - click on upload a file…

23 Click on Browse and find your file Once you have selected your file to upload click on Upload this file

24 Check to see that your file has been successfully uploaded then click on Choose

25 You will then find that your resource has been placed into this box Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on:

26 You will then find your resource right under your unit plan! You can follow this same process to upload any resources that pertain to your unit.

27 Follow the same upload process to put your Yearly Overviews into the section at the top of the page.

28 Updating/versioning someone else’s unit. - Choose the unit you wish to view. The unit will then open up for general editing. NB. You can only edit someone else’s unit once they have ‘confirmed’ it.

29 You can then add your own learning experiences by clicking edit

30 You can then type your own learning experiences into here: and when you save changes, your new learning experience will be added to the bank below. **NB: DO NOT DELETE ANYONE ELSE’S LEARNING EXPERIENCES.

31 You can then view either your own, or the original, or a combination by applying a filter to the unit. Follow these steps to print your version of the unit. Step 1: Click the View Filter button at the top of the screen.

32 Step 2: click on advanced filter. Alternatively, if you wish to see only your entries, select Only My Entries from the filter option.

33 Step 3: You should now be able to select from the unit which learning experiences you want for your unit. You can choose from any learning experiences that have been added to the bank. You will be able to see the author.

34 Step 4: Click on Submit at the bottom of the page.

35 Step 5: PRINT You will now see a version of the unit with only your selected learning experiences. (Or any other changes that you have made and selected) To print – control P (the same way you would from your web browser) NB. These selections will NOT be saved as a different version. If you want this unit again, you will need to follow the same process of selecting what you want in your unit.

36 1.How do I print my unit? There is no ‘print’ button. Print the same way you would in any web browser. Or ‘control P’ to print and follow the prompts. You should be able to print from any page

37 2.What if I teach integrated units? If you are teaching Prep to Year 3 and integrate your Science, SOSE, Health and Technology, then the OLPT has a special course for you. Scroll to the bottom of the first page and select Integrated Course

38 2.What if I teach integrated units? Cont. You will then be able to access the Content Descriptors from the AC for Science (with the elaborations) and the Knowledge and Understanding Statements & Ways of Working for SOSE, Technology and Health.

39 3.What do I have to do about the General Capabilities and the Cross Curriculum Priorities? This is still being addressed by the Curriculum Council and further information will be passed to you through your Curriculum Coordinator early next year.

40 Any change is an opportunity for improvement. Let’s use the Australian Curriculum implementation to continue pursuing best practice in our schools.

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