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Introduction to Fractions

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1 Introduction to Fractions
By Graeme Henchel

2 Index 3/7+2/3 No diagram Adding Mixed Numbers Multiplying Fractions
What is a fraction? Mixed Numbers method 1 Mixed Numbers method 2 Equivalent Fractions Special form of one Why Special form of one Finding equivalent fractions Adding: Common denominators Adding: Different denominators Common denominators 1 Common denominators 2 ½+1/3 with diagram 1/3+1/4 with diagram ½ +2/5 with diagram 3/7+2/3 No diagram Adding Mixed Numbers Multiplying Fractions Multiplying Mixed Numbers 1 Multiplying Mixed numbers 2 Multiplying Mixed diagram Dividing Fractions Fraction Flowchart .ppt Fraction Flowchart .doc Decimal Fractions Fraction<->Decimal<-> %

3 What is a Fraction? A fraction is formed by dividing a whole into a number of parts I’m the NUMERATOR. I tell you the number of parts I’m the DENOMINATOR. I tell you the name of part

4 Mixed numbers to improper fractions
Convert whole numbers to thirds Mixed number Improper fraction

5 Another Way to change Mixed Numbers to improper fractions
In short 5x3+2=17 Since 5/5=1 there are 5 fifths in each whole. So 3 wholes will have 3x5=15 fifths. Plus the 2 fifths already there makes a total of 15+2=17 fifths

6 Equivalent fractions An equivalent fraction is one that has the same value and position on the number line but has a different denominator Equivalent fractions can be found by multiplying by a special form of 1

7 Multiplying By a Special Form of One
Why does it work? Multiplying any number by 1 does not change the value 4x1=4, 9x1=9 ………. Any number divided by itself =1. Multiplying a fraction by a special form of one changes the numerator and the denominator but DOES NOT CHANGE THE VALUE

8 1

9 Finding equivalent fractions
Convert 5ths to 20ths That’s 4 so I must multiply by What do we multiply 5 by to get a product of 20? Special form of 1

10 Simplifying Fractions: Cancelling
Simplifying means finding an equivalent fraction with the LOWEST denominator by making a special form of 1 equal to 1 1 Another way of doing this

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