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Submitting to Gods Will The Road to the Resurrection.

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1 Submitting to Gods Will The Road to the Resurrection

2 Submission to Gods will is a key to understanding and living the message of Easter.Submission to Gods will is a key to understanding and living the message of Easter. –The hour has come. –The cup is prepared. –The way is clear. Jesus understood and was willing to do the will of the Father regardless of the cost.Jesus understood and was willing to do the will of the Father regardless of the cost.

3 Gods will is known.Gods will is known. –Gods secret will… What He has planned to happen.What He has planned to happen. –Gods spoken will… What He has told us to think and do.What He has told us to think and do.

4 Gods will can cause great distress.Gods will can cause great distress. Gods will is easier to pursue with the help of others.Gods will is easier to pursue with the help of others.

5 Gods will is accompanied by divine enablement.Gods will is accompanied by divine enablement. –God never calls us to something without empowering us to accomplish it. Gods will can leave us with only one option.Gods will can leave us with only one option. –Obedience to the Fathers will was the only way.

6 Gods will often leads us into darkness before there is light.Gods will often leads us into darkness before there is light.


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