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WHY TAKE MUSIC AT UHS? A two-year Swiss study involving 1,200 children in 50 schools showed that students involved in the music program were better at.

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Presentation on theme: "WHY TAKE MUSIC AT UHS? A two-year Swiss study involving 1,200 children in 50 schools showed that students involved in the music program were better at."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHY TAKE MUSIC AT UHS? A two-year Swiss study involving 1,200 children in 50 schools showed that students involved in the music program were better at languages, learned to read more easily, showed an improved social climate, demonstrated more enjoyment in school and had a lower stress level than non-music students. E.W. Weber, M. Spychiger, and J.L. Patry, 1993. Participating in Unionville High School’s award winning ensembles will not only lead to performing a level of repertoire rarely seen in high school concerts, but will also assist your learning of skills that will help other classes and prepare you for life after UHS.

2 Music students outperform non-music students on achievement tests in reading and math. Skills such as reading, anticipating, memory, listening, forecasting, recall and concentration are developed in musical performance, and these skills are valuable to students in math, reading, and science. B. Friedman, "An Evaluation of the Achievement in Reading and Arithmetic of Pupils in Elementary School Instrumental Music Classes," Dissertation Abstracts International.

3 According to Grant Venerable, author of “The Paradox of the Silicon Savior”, the “very best engineers and technical designers in the Silicon Valley are, nearly without exception, practicing musicians.”

4 Physician and biologist Lewis Thomas studied the undergraduate majors of medical school applicants. He found that 66% of music majors who applied to medical school were admitted, the highest percentage of any group. 44% of biochemistry majors were admitted. You do not have to be in Arts Unionville to participate. Please ask a music teacher for more information on courses available in our band, choir, orchestra, jazz, guitar and Showtime programs.

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