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Canadian Confederation Timeline Presented by the awesome students of Block G.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Confederation Timeline Presented by the awesome students of Block G."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Confederation Timeline Presented by the awesome students of Block G

2 The Reign of Queen Victoria 1837-1901 By Alex Yen, Ricky Lieu and Esther Li

3 Queen Victoria Lasted longer than any other previous rulers Lasted longer than any other previous rulers Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland from June 20 1837 till her death Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland from June 20 1837 till her death Her tastes, values, and behaviour set the standard Her tastes, values, and behaviour set the standard Reign known as the “Victorian Era” Reign known as the “Victorian Era” Under her reign, Britain went through a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military progress within the United Kingdom. Marked a great expansion for Britain Under her reign, Britain went through a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military progress within the United Kingdom. Marked a great expansion for Britain

4 Grand Trunk Railway 1852-1923

5 Grand Trunk Railway 1852-1923 Operated in the Canadian provinces Quebec and Ontario, as well as the American states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Headquarters in Montreal, Quebec and corporate headquarters in London, England.


7 Maritimes Union 1863-1864 A Maritime Union refers to a potential political union of the three Maritimes provinces of Canada to form a single new province which would be the fifth-largest in Canada by population. In the past, this vision has sometimes been expanded to a proposed Atlantic Union which would also include the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

8 72 Resolutions Oct. 29 th, 1864

9 All about: 72 Resolutions Published on Oct. 29, 1864 Government should be best adapted to secure harmony and union between provinces Granted upper, lower and Maritimes 24 legislative members Made in the Quebec conference Formed the blueprint for the confederation of Canada and the BNA bill which was presented to the British Parliament

10 THE GREAT COALITION June 1st 1864 Ravi Paul, Kelsea Franzke and Luke Fahrmann

11 FACTOIDS June 1 st 1864 Brought together Upper and lower Canada, which turned in to Canada East and Canada West (1864). In hopes of Canada becoming a responsible government. Members: -George Brown – Clear grits -John A. Macdonald – Liberal Conservatives (Tories) -George Etienne Cartier – Parti Bleu

12 Charlottetown Conference (1st - 9th September 1864) The conference was originally planned as a meeting between representatives from the Maritime colonies only: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. At the conference George Brown, John A. Macdonald, & Georges Cartier formed the Great Coalition when they agreed to support each other and form a union. The leaders of the provinces (Brown, Macdonald, Cartier.) met in Price Edward Island in 1864. - They agreed to plan a colonial union - There were concerns over control of government, trade, federal/ provincial powers.

13 Quebec Conference (Oct 10 th – 27 th 1864) The major source of conflict at the conference was between those who favored a strong central government, and those who favored stronger provincial rights. Representatives from the Maritimes and Canada East (now Quebec) tended to argue for provincial rights. The conference ended on October 27, and the delegates returned to their provinces to submit the Seventy-Two Resolutions to the provincial legislatures. George-Étienne Cartier was largely responsible for convincing the French- Canadian members of the Legislature in Canada to accept the resolutions, even though he himself did not support such a strong federal government

14 London Conference Date: Dec.4, 1866-Feb.22 1867 Nova Scotia and New Brunswick delegates met with British government in London, England to join the confederation. Strong support in London by the bishops by the Maritimes to get separate schools for different religions. Maritimes delegates resisted resulting in section 93 of the BNA act. By: Nicole, Alysha, and Olivia Block: G

15 Fenian Raids (April 1865 - October 1871)

16 Started when the end of the American civil war ended Planned to harm Britain by striking Canada The F enians captured Fort Erie, and convinced many people that the threats were real So John A. McDonald was able to turn the raids to his political advantage. They were developing support for his dream of confederation.

17 BNA Act July 1 st, 1867 Determining the structure of government, the allocation of powers between federal and provincial authorities, and the interpretation of other statutes It was signed creating Dominion of Canada

18 British North America Act July 1, 1867 Passed by the British parliament on July 1, 1867 joined Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick into a Dominion under the name of Canada

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