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Canadian Eh? So you’re a proud Canadian eh? Let’s see you do on these basic questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Eh? So you’re a proud Canadian eh? Let’s see you do on these basic questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Eh? So you’re a proud Canadian eh? Let’s see you do on these basic questions

2 1. What year was Confederation?
B. 1900 C. 1867 D. 1888

3 2. Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history?
A. It protected the basic rights and freedoms of everyone in Canada B. It was the first piece of federal legislation C. The four provinces joined together to create the new country of Canada D. It divided Quebec into the provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada

4 3. Which four provinces first formed Confederation?
A. Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia B. Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island C. Newfoundland and Labrador , Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island D. Quebec, Ontario

5 4. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
A. George Washington B. Sir John A. Macdonald C. Lester B. Pearson D. Sir Wilfrid Laurier

6 5. When is Canada day, and what do we celebrate?
A. June 24th when we celebrate multiculturalism B. May 21st when we celebrate the Queen's birthday C. July 4th when we celebrate the anniversary of Confederation each year D. July 1st when we celebrate the anniversary of Confederation each year

7 6. What is the capital of Canada? A. Ottawa
B. Toronto C. Victoria D. London

8 7. What are the Prairie provinces?
A. Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan B. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta C. Saskatoon, Manitoba, Alberta D. British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan

9 8. What are the five Great Lakes?
A. Ontario, Michigan, Hudson's Bay, Huron, Superior B. Erie, Ontario, Simcoe, Michigan, Superior C. Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Huron, Superior D. Erie, Ontario, Niagara, Huron, Superior

10 9. How many provinces and territories is Canada made up of?
A. 10 provinces and 3 territories B. 11 provinces and 2 territories C. 10 provinces and 2 territories D. None of the above

11 10. What three oceans border on Canada?
A. Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic B. Atlantic, Antarctic, Pacific C. Atlantic, Hudson, Pacific D. Atlantic, Pacific, Bering

12 11. Who is Canada's Head of State?
A. The Prime Minister B. The Governor General C. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II D. The Senate

13 12. Who is the Queen's representative in Canada?
A. The Prime Minister's spouse B. The Prime Minister C. The Premier D. The Governor General of Canada

14 13. What are the three levels of government in Canada?
A. Federal, provincial or territorial, municipal B. Federal, provincial, county C. Federal, state, municipal D. Federal, provincial, rural

15 14. What is Canada's system of government called?
A. Constitutional Monarchy B. Monarchy C. Democratic process D. Benevolent dictatorship

16 15. What are the three parts of Parliament?
A. The Prime Minister, Premiers, House of Commons B. The Queen, Governor General, Prime Minister C. Prime Minister, House of Commons, Senate D. The Queen, House of Commons, Senate

17 16. Who has the right to vote in federal elections?
A. Canadian citizens and landed immigrants B. Canadian citizens who are over 21 years old C. Canadian citizens or anyone at least 18 years old who works for the government D. Canadian citizens who are at least 18 years old

18 17. Voting in elections? A. Is only a right, not a responsibility
B. Is both a right and a responsibility C. Is only a responsibility D. Is both a responsibility and privilege

19 18. Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
A. Vote in federal, provincial and territorial elections B. Apply for a Canadian passport, enter/leave Canada freely and vote in elections C. Be candidates in federal, provincial and territorial elections D. All of the above

20 19. What does being a Canadian citizen mean?
A. Voting and obeying laws B. Being involved in your community, your country and becoming a candidate in an election C. Volunteering to work on an election campaign for a candidate of your choice D. All of the above

21 20. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?
A. To be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Governor General of Canada; faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill duties as a Canadian citizen. B. To be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Prime Minister of Canada; faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill duties as a Canadian citizen. C. To be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty The Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors; faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill duties as a Canadian citizen. D. All of the above

22 21. What colour is the Canadian Flag?
A. Red and white B. Green and white C. Red and blue D. Blue and white

23 22. What are the three main types of industries in Canada?
A. Manufacturing, technology and services B. Technology, natural resources and manufacturing C. Natural resources, manufacturing and services D. All of the above

24 23. What are the two official languages of Canada?
A. English and Italian B. Italian and French C. English and Scottish D. English and French

25 24. Which animal is an official symbol of Canada?
A. The Moose B. The Bear C. The Beaver D. The Carribou

26 25. Which province has the most bilingual Canadians?
A. Ontario B. British Columbia C. Quebec D. Manitoba

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