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Does Education need transforming for a new world? Ged Byrne.

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Presentation on theme: "Does Education need transforming for a new world? Ged Byrne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Does Education need transforming for a new world? Ged Byrne

2 Our Challenges ‘Rapid’ increase in community-delivered care and reduction in secondary care episodes Pan-NW reorganisation of service delivery Skills of today are NOT the skills of tomorrow Acute shortages in specific areas of service delivery (e.g. EM and HV) Ageing population with increase in chronic disease burden

3 The call to ‘transformation’ We cannot meet the needs of a transforming service without transforming the workforce We cannot transform the workforce unless we transform BOTH the current workforce and the future workforce We cannot transform the current and future workforce without equippingthem with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to deliver care in a transforming world We cannot deliver care in the transformed world without transforming the wellbeing of the population



6 What do we spend our money on?

7 Funding 13/14

8 All the focus < 3% of variance Diminishing status Few metrics Little reward Tribal 1940s model inefficient Back to basics

9 21ST CENTURY SKILLS DEFINED LEARNING & INNOVATION Creativity & Innovation Critical Thinking & Problem- solving Communication & Collaboration LIFE & CAREER Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-direction Social & Cross-cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT Literacy

10 Question 1: How do we know what we have already got?  Healthcare providers, whilst increasingly recognising the importance of education to their own performance and future, lack the knowledge of their own education and training performance (across all professions) compared to other providers and lack the skills (and investment) to transform their educational offer.  Education and training is often not considered as ‘core business’ for healthcare providers  There is often a lack of synergy between the demands of service delivery and education and as a result the cause of many failures in educational delivery are as a result non-coordinated service delivery issues

11 We MUST get better at measuring what we can offer We must improve as a learning organisation We cannot do this in silos

12 Question 2: What can we offer to learners if the current LEs are substandard? Current LEs  Clinical and managerial learning environments remain siloed producing unacceptable variability in the quality of education  QA systems for education and training are variable and not fit for purpose  There are many different groups working to identify and enhance learning environments but there is little coordination between them.

13 13 The Learning Environment “ A suitable learning environment is crucial to enable your learners to learn effectively. This involves not only the venue and resources used but your attitude and the support you give to your learners.” (Gravells, 2007, p50)

14 14 Characteristics of Productive Learning Environments A focus on learning –A culture of healthcare learning A focus on learners – workplace as learning communities – Personal and social development – Positive workplace climate

15 The ideal LE

16 Question2 : What can we offer to learners if the current LEs are substandard? Alternative LEs  The business and charitable communities deliver high quality education to selected groups of healthcare workers  The second and third sectors have limited access to patients or professional ‘opinion leaders’  The quality of highly specific educational opportunities is much greater in the corporate sector than the NHS can afford  The Department for Business Innovation and Skills recognise the healthcare workplace as a much underutilised learning environment for future and current workforce  There is no structure to allow the flow of lifelong learners between the public, second and third sectors

17 Question2 : What can we offer to learners if the current LEs are substandard? Alternative LEs  The workforce is increasingly required to understand the NHS in the context of Global Health issues  Placements for learning outside of the UK are variably encouraged across professions and employers  The benefits of global health placements are poorly understood by professional leaders and employers  It is likely that an increasing number of health professionals will choose to work for periods of training and service in other non-UK healthcare systems  Opportunities for leaner ‘exchange’ are highly variable between professions

18 Question 3 : What about teachers?  Service pressures and the quantitative metrication of service delivery over the last decade have devalued the role of teacher/ educator within the health service  Few robust quantitative/ qualitative metrics and KPIs exist or are accepted to rank the performance of educators  Each professional group has examples of good educator practice and innovation but there is no forum for exchange of these good practices between professional groups  No minimum standards exist for educating within the NHS  There is no common portfolio of educational activity available for NHS educators

19 SO 1.Know what we already have and improve it 2.Find out what we could have and access it 3.Reward and recognise those who deliver it

20 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ― Nelson MandelaNelson Mandela  “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ― Malcolm XMalcolm X  “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” ― SocratesSocrates  "Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

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