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 Da Vinci was born on the 15 th of April 1452 and died at the age of 67, on the second of May 1519. Da Vinci was born near a Tuscan town of Vinci. He.

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Presentation on theme: " Da Vinci was born on the 15 th of April 1452 and died at the age of 67, on the second of May 1519. Da Vinci was born near a Tuscan town of Vinci. He."— Presentation transcript:


2  Da Vinci was born on the 15 th of April 1452 and died at the age of 67, on the second of May 1519. Da Vinci was born near a Tuscan town of Vinci. He was the illegitimate son of a lawyer

3  When he was little Leonardo drew pictures of plants, insects, flowers, animals and birds. He drew what he saw in the country side near his home. Plus he was the creator of Mona Lisa.

4  Leonardo was a great artist, but he became famous because he was able to do so many other things such as an architect,a musician, sculptor, scientist, inventor and a mathematician. Leonardo designed plans for beautiful churches, bridges even whole cities.

5  One of the features he made lots of notes on his art work but he wrote back words. To read Leonardo's notes you would probably have to hold them up to a mirror.

6  Leonardo painted beautiful portraits and he used what he had learnt learnt about in science. In addition, he used what he saw in the country side for the background in his paintings.

7 › Thank you watching my power point

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