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Blood and Lymph Chapter 16-2 Notes.

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1 Blood and Lymph Chapter 16-2 Notes

2 Blood The liquid part of blood is plasma Made mostly of water

3 Concept Map – Types of Cells found in blood
Platelets White Blood Cells

4 Materials carried in plasma
a. Nutrients b. Chemical Messengers c. Waste Products (CO2, etc…)

5 Job of red blood cells Bring O2 from lungs to body’s cells and remove CO2

6 Hemoglobin found in red blood cells
Protein containing iron that binds chemically to oxygen molecules (hemoglobin + O2 = bright red blood)

7 White Blood Cells Fight disease and infection

8 Differences between white and red blood cells
a. Less WBC than RBC b. WBC are larger than RBC c. WBC have nuclei d. WBC live for months to several years (RBC live 120 days)

9 Platelets a. Pieces of cells b. Form blood clots


11 How a Blood Clot Forms Platelets collect and stick to the blood vessel at the site of a wound A protein called fibrin is produced Fibrin makes a net to trap platelets and blood cells.




15 Blood Transfusions Transfer of blood from one person to another
Karl Landsteiner discovered the 4 blood types Blood must “match” or it will clump and clog capillaries and could lead to death

16 Blood Types Marker molecules on RBC determine blood type and the type you can receive in a transfusion

17 Blood types and their markers

18 Blood Type A has an Antigen A marker

19 Blood Type B has an Antigen B marker

20 Blood Type AB has both Antigen A and Antigen B markers

21 Blood Type O has NO antigen markers

22 12. Can someone with type A get type B blood? NO!!!
Type A contains clumping proteins (antibodies) that act against cells with B antigens. Clumping clogs capillaries and can cause death

23 We’re going to wait a minute for #13
You can put your pencils down for a minute and just listen. This does get confusing so try to pay attention.

24 What can Type B receive?

25 B or O

26 What can AB receive?

27 All of them - - - A, B, AB, and O

28 What can type O receive?

29 Only type O. Why??? Type O doesn’t have ANY antigens to recognize any of the other blood type’s antigens.


31 13. What is the Rh factor? A protein on red blood cells
Rh+ means you have the protein. Rh- means that you lack the protein

32 Match the blood types with the clumping proteins

33 Match the blood types B D A C

34 How do you know???

35 Lymphatic System A network of vein-like vessels that returns fluid to the bloodstream (like rain gutters)

36 What is the fluid in the lymphatic system called?

37 Lymphatic System and Disease
They enlarge when you are sick and filter lymph, which traps bacteria and other disease-causing micro-organisms

38 More About Blood Types

39 More About Blood Types A, B, AB, and O 45% 100% 85% A, AB 44% 100% AB


41 Rare Blood Type Type AB is the most rare with only 4%

42 Most common blood type Type O is the most common but…

43 But…when you consider the Rh factor…

44 Why is O the universal donor and AB the universal receiver?
Type O can donate to all and AB can receive from all


46 What is the total percentage of the population that has A markers on red blood cells?

47 What total percentage has B markers?

48 What is the total percentage of the population that has anti-A clumping proteins?

49 What % has anti-B clumping proteins?

50 No. Type AB can receive any type of blood
A patient with type AB blood needs a transfusion, but the hospital has run out of AB blood. Is this a problem? No. Type AB can receive any type of blood


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