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William J. Clinton 1993-2001 Democrat Al Gore.  Saturday Night Live Skit Saturday Night Live Skit.

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Presentation on theme: "William J. Clinton 1993-2001 Democrat Al Gore.  Saturday Night Live Skit Saturday Night Live Skit."— Presentation transcript:

1 William J. Clinton 1993-2001 Democrat Al Gore

2  Saturday Night Live Skit Saturday Night Live Skit

3 GATT  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade  lowered trade barriers  Established WTO ( World Trade Organization) to resolve trade disputes

4 NAFTA  North American Free Trade Agreement  U.S., Mexico, Canada agree to free trade zone

5 PLO  Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel agree to a degree of self government  Rabin (killed) & Arafat

6 Baby Boomers  “Graying” of America  Life expectancy rises so…  SOCIAL SECURITY- number of recipients rises rapidly  Not enough money?  No plan to fix it agreed upon  Debate continues today

7 Health Care Reform  Clinton presented package to ensure health care for all Americans  Critics said it was too expensive  Congress rejects plan

8 Balanced Budget Amendment  U.S. debt $4 trillion  1997 legislation to balance their budget by 2002, had spending cuts and tax breaks  1998 has budget surplus

9 Impeachment  Several activities investigated  Whitewater- accused of illegal real estate scheme  Monica Lewinski incident- Clinton accuses of lying under oath  December 1998 Clinton impeached  Senate found him not GUILTY

10 Supreme Court Appointments  Ruth Bader Ginsburg  Stephen Breyer

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