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From choice, a world of possibilities Accelerating Access to priority Sexual and Reproductive Health A member of Advocating for RH supplies LLY MUGUMYA.

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Presentation on theme: "From choice, a world of possibilities Accelerating Access to priority Sexual and Reproductive Health A member of Advocating for RH supplies LLY MUGUMYA."— Presentation transcript:

1 From choice, a world of possibilities Accelerating Access to priority Sexual and Reproductive Health A member of Advocating for RH supplies LLY MUGUMYA Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) Jackson Chekweko Ag. Executive Director Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition meeting Sheraton Hotel 27 th -28 th May 2010

2 Reproductive Health Commodity Supplies (RHCS) situation Road Map priority indicators Indicator Baseline and Target 200520102015 Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) 23.7 % 35%50% Unmet need for family planning40.6 % 20%5% % increase in Couple Years of Protection 10%50%70%

3 RHCS Indicators

4 Cost of meeting the unmet need for Family Planning

5 Introduction:  Civil society led network – Reproductive Heath Supplies Advocacy Network (RHSAN).  Civil society,  RH division,  MOH,  Parliamentarians network,  Media groups LLY MUGUMYA RH supplies advocacy efforts in Uganda

6 RHSAN Objectives  Coordinate district and national advocacy for RH supplies  To increase government funding for RH supplies – Government of Uganda to provide 66% of the total RH supplies budget  To ensure existing levels of funding were used effectively

7 Key activities Jointly developed advocacy strategy and messages Active engagement, lobbying and debate in Parliament by Network of Women Ministers on RHCS funding LLY

8 Key activities cont’d  Conducted constituency and district level mobilisation and monitoring  Mass media campaign Media tour of districts Targeted advocacy messages on Pill boards, Radio interactive shows and spots and fact sheets Sharing network activities - Expanding the network

9 Key activities cont’d  Regular strategic partner meetings to share network activities among CSOs to bring them on board-Expanding the network

10 RHSAN – Well coordinated advocacy efforts Debate and active engagement on family planning and RHCS funding has reached centres of power LLY MUGUMYA Results

11 1. Gained government’s commitment for RH supplies a. Established a functional budget line for RH commodities. b. Increased budget allocation for RH supplies. 2. Joined the Global RH Supplies Coalition LLY MUGUMYA

12 What Has been done Cont’ 2. Established a coordinated procurement planning : Develop annual Contraceptive Procurement Tables and review them on bi-annual basis. 3. Developed national strategies that support RHCS: 4. Developed functional coordination structures for RHCS at national, district and facility levels. a. National RHCS Committee LLY MUGUMYA

13 Challenges Cont’ Poor adherence to Contraceptive Procurement Tables schedules by donors and government that affects availability of RH commodities. Weak capacity for supply chain management& within districts

14 Opportunities 1. Growing support within parliament and Ministry of Health to prioritize RH in general and RH commodities in particular. 2. Conducive policy environment: Roadmap, RHCS Strategic Plan, and planned review of the Public procurement and Disposal Authority etc 3. Joining of the Global RH Supplies Coalition.

15 Challenges NMS position to provide RHCS only to public health facilities leaving out private sector providers including NGOs Effective tracking of fund disbursement and utilization of budgetary allocations to RHCS Access to affordable RHCS by service providers in the private sector including NGOs following NMS change of position not to supply non public sector facilities.

16 Advocacy issues Heavy dependence on donor support

17 Challenges Cont’d Low expenditure on allocated budget

18 Opportunities 1. Growing support within parliament and Ministry of Health to prioritize RH in general and RH commodities in particular. 2. Conducive policy environment: Roadmap, RHCS Strategic Plan, and planned review of the Public procurement and Disposal Authority etc 3. Joining of the Global RH Supplies Coalition.

19 Continued strengthening and expansion of RHSAN to include more stakeholders in the advocacy efforts Close partnership with NAWMP to advocate for further increases to FP budget  Target Government to fund two thirds of total family planning budget Increase parliamentary advocacy LLY MUGUMYA RHSAN Next steps

20 Monitor the funding mechanism for effectiveness (MoF direct disbursement to NMS) Advocate for effective RHCS supply to serve the private sector possibility of establishing stores for private sector LLY MUGUMYA RHSAN Next steps

21 Thank you Jackson Chekweko Ag. Exective Director Reproductive Health Uganda(RHU) +256-772-701953 27 th May 2010

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