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I Will… Psalm 101. His vow to rule with mercy and justice, 2 Sam 8:15; Prov 20:28; Jer 23:5-6 “I will” – Series of affirmative and negative declarations.

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Presentation on theme: "I Will… Psalm 101. His vow to rule with mercy and justice, 2 Sam 8:15; Prov 20:28; Jer 23:5-6 “I will” – Series of affirmative and negative declarations."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Will… Psalm 101

2 His vow to rule with mercy and justice, 2 Sam 8:15; Prov 20:28; Jer 23:5-6 “I will” – Series of affirmative and negative declarations based on his faith that God is merciful and just See God’s attitude and actions toward both the faithful and wicked The King Rules His House 2

3 I will sing praises (101:1) Importance of worship in our lives − Church a “house of prayer”, Isa 56:7; Psa 84:4 − Christians to continually praise God, 1 Ths 5:17; Jas 5:13 Content and character of our singing − Sacrifice of praise…giving thanks, Heb 13:15 − With the spirit and understanding, 1 Cor 14:15 − Speaking to one another…melody in heart to the Lord, Eph 5:19 − Reflects Christ’s word in the heart, Col 3:16 3

4 I will behave wisely (101:2) Be wise in what is good, Rom 16:19 − Parents: Wisdom to teach, correct, nurture, advise… Eph 6:4 − As a spouse: Love, serve and respect, Eph 5:33 − As elders: Feed, lead and protect, cf. Prov 27:23 − Influence: Careful to protect and use it, Col 4:5 − Opponents: Advance the truth, not self, Matt 10:16-22 4

5 I will set nothing wicked before my eyes (101:3-4) Protect ourselves against lust and its associated sins (Psa 19:14) − Job knew the danger of lust and its judgment, Job 31:1-4, 5-12 − Turn away from looking at worthless things, Psa 119:37 False gods of the flesh, Col 3:5 Women to lust after them, Matt 5:28 Sins of the world that “entertain”, Eph 5:3-4 Alcoholic beverages, Prov 23:31-35 5

6 I will not endure slander and pride (101:5, 7-8) Slander proceeds from pride and hatred, 101:5; Jas 4:11; Prov 10:18 − Slander: Whispering, defamation, evil report − Deceitful, and those who slander and spread it do not live in God’s house, Psa 101:7; 15:3 6

7 I will bless the faithful (101:6) Stand with and encourage those who are faithful to the Lord − Those that serve the Lord deserve our commendation and help, 101:6; Phil 2:20, 29- 30 − The struggling need our help, Heb 12:12-13 Faithful servants dwell with the king, 101:6; Matt 25:34-40; Lk 6:46 − Loyal and trustworthy − Obedient and true 7

8 God’s Mercy and Justice God in His mercy forgives − When we turn to Him with repentant hearts and faithfully obey Him God in His justice will not ignore sin − Sin brings just punishment to everyone who chooses to live irreverently, rebelliously and selfishly in their sin 8

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