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Present Perfect actions which started in the past and continue to the present or they are still importnant at present have + past participle I loved you.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Perfect actions which started in the past and continue to the present or they are still importnant at present have + past participle I loved you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Perfect actions which started in the past and continue to the present or they are still importnant at present have + past participle I loved you 10 years ago…(we split up) ….but you've still been on my mind... (now) I loved you SONG:

2 Present perfect continuous emphasize duration, progress, actions leading to certain results, action perhaps not finished have been + verb+ing

3 Present perfect simple x Present perfect cont
Present perfect simple x Present perfect cont. emphasis on conclusion /result x emphasis on duration, progress, actions leading to certain results, actions perhaps not finished I have been living in Prague. I have lived in Prague.

4 Present perfect – positive, negative, questions
I / you / we /they I have spoken. I have not (haven´t) spoken. Have I spoken? he / she / it He has spoken. He has not (hasn´t) spoken. Has he spoken? We've met. I've finished. He's gone out. They've lost their way. We haven't met. (Ještě) jsme se nesetkali. I haven't finished. (Ještě) jsme neskončili. He hasn't gone out. Nešel ven. They haven't lost their way. Neztratili se. Have you two met? Už jste se vy dva setkali? Have you finished? Už jsi skončil? Where has he gone? Kam šel? Have they lost their way? Ztratili se?

5 Signal Words of Present Perfect
already, ever, never, lately, recently, just, yet today, this week, this month, this year for 10 years (period of time) since 2000 (point of time), since then, since he died I have already / just / never seen him. I haven't seen him yet. I have gone there twice this year. I have known him for 10 years. I have known him since 2000/since then.

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