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“Build It and They Will Come," But Will They? A Poster Presentation by Abdul Shibli Harvard Graduate School of Education Cambridge, Massachusetts

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Presentation on theme: "“Build It and They Will Come," But Will They? A Poster Presentation by Abdul Shibli Harvard Graduate School of Education Cambridge, Massachusetts"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Build It and They Will Come," But Will They? A Poster Presentation by Abdul Shibli Harvard Graduate School of Education Cambridge, Massachusetts Educause 2002, Atlanta, GA Copyright Abdul Shibli, 2002.This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 Abstract Harvard's Graduate School of Education (HGSE) has, beginning Fall 2001, built a web site for each course using a home-grown course management software. This presentation examines the conventional wisdom that "if you build, they will come" in light of the experience at HGSE and discusses some of the issues relating to building and maintaining pedagogically effective sites. In this presentation, I provide some snippets that highlight the benefits and the importance of involving the users, particularly, the faculty, the teaching fellows, the teaching staff, and the students in the design and maintenance of course web tools and sites. Because, unlike a physical structure, course web sites and tool are objects that can and need to grow and evolve, the metaphor appropriate is that of a living organism. The presentation also showcases the role played by three key elements that were put in place to support the courseware (the tools): training, technical support, and on-line resources.

3 Course Web Site Asynchronous Tools Synchronous Tools Collaboration and Community Building Tools Portals Technology in Education Source: Dede, et. al., 2001

4 Why don’t they come? Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom Computers used “infrequently” and in limited ways” in the classroom. Faculty find “computers difficult to apply.” - Larry Cuban, 2001

5 HGSE Experience Tools, training, technical support Harvard Innovation Grants for Instructional Technology Faculty Workshops Faculty Mentors (Regis College) Faculty Development (HGSE, BRAC,Stonehill) Best practices and community of practitioners

6 Case Study: Web Pedagogies Faculty Workshop (BRAC) Web site Boot Camp Faculty Resolution

7 Research & Development New tools Training methodology Technology and pedagogy Call tracking The missing link: Assessment FRC Services Toolkit, Technical Support, Training, Consulting Service Assessment Formative; Summative (outcomes) Needs assessment

8 Collaboration Model Harvard Graduate School of Education Harvard Divinity School Harvard School of Public Health New Tool, QA, etc.

9 The Support Model Faculty Resource CenterLearning Technologies Center Faculty iCommons Training Documentation Consultations (Programming Bug) Solution Help Desk (Academic Technologies) Documentation (Non-Academic Technologies)

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