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Cell parts Structure Function Animal Plant Cell membrane

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Presentation on theme: "Cell parts Structure Function Animal Plant Cell membrane"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell parts Structure Function Animal Plant Cell membrane
Control what enters or leaves the cell (acts as a barrier) Yes

2 Cell parts Structure Function Animal Plant Cell wall
Made of cellulose of silicon Supports and protects the cell No Yes

3 Cell parts Structure Function Animal Plant Cytoplasm
Jelly-like material inside the cell, allows organelles to move Yes

4 Cell organelle Structure Function Animal Plant Nucleus
Controls cell and organism’s function and structure, has genetic material (DNA) Yes

5 Cell organelle Structure Function Animal Plant Vacuole Storage Few,
small One, large

6 Cell 0rganelle Structure Function Animal Plant Mitochondria
Makes cell energy (cellular respiration) Yes

7 Cell organelle Structure Function Animal Plant Chloroplast
Uses sunlight to make food energy (photosynthesis) No Yes

8 Cell 0rganelle Structure Function Animal Plant Lysosome (animals)
Peroxisome (plants) Breaks down food, old cell parts, and waste Yes

9 Cell organelle Structure Function Animal Plant Ribosome
Uses instructions from the DNA to make proteins Yes

10 Cell organelle Structure Function Animal Plant Endoplasmic reticulum
Makes proteins –sends to Golgi Body Yes

11 Cell organelle Structure Function Animal Plant Golgi body
Sorts and packages proteins to be used inside and outside the cell Yes



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