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Vital Episetemic Depth (Posterior aspect of ontological Span) Ego: Self Imputed as Basis ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH Inner Being (subliminal) Presence Affect Image.

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Presentation on theme: "Vital Episetemic Depth (Posterior aspect of ontological Span) Ego: Self Imputed as Basis ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH Inner Being (subliminal) Presence Affect Image."— Presentation transcript:

1 vital Episetemic Depth (Posterior aspect of ontological Span) Ego: Self Imputed as Basis ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH Inner Being (subliminal) Presence Affect Image Object(body) Space Object(World) Others Unified Self S Self Imputed as the Basis Microgeney of Self Anterior aspect of ontological Span physical mental Outer Being vital, physical, mental will,intention, beliefs (the self system) Blind Spot (ignorance) Prakriti Purusha Psychic Being (Soul) Universal Being

2 ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH Self potentially Imputed as the Basis Anterior aspect of ontological Span Blind Spot (ignorance) Prakriti Purusha Psychic Being (Soul) Universal Being Episetemic Depth (Posterior aspect of ontological Span) Higher Mind The mechanism of the Self System is Realized, but not its Ontological Basis (the Soul). This Intermediate Zone creates the conditions for spiritual materialism as the Ego attempts to impute itself as Basis on more and more subtle levels. S The anterior aspect (basis) is still hidden. S

3 ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH Self potentially Imputed as the Basis Anterior aspect of ontological Span Blind Spot (ignorance) Prakriti Purusha Psychic Being (Soul) Universal Being Episetemic Depth (Posterior aspect of ontological Span) Higher Mind IL begins to intuit its own ontological basis, but has not yet merged with the ontological soul. Ego may continue to impute itself as the basis until transcended in the psychic being. S The anterior aspect (basis) is illuminated. Illumined Mind S S

4 ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH Anterior aspect of ontological Span Blind Spot (ignorance) Prakriti Purusha Psychic Being (Soul) Universal Being Episetemic Depth (Posterior aspect of ontological Span) Higher Mind IM begins living directly in the ontological. The breakdown of the epistemic categories relieves the tendency of ego to impute a self as basis. Without grounding in soul, IM has a tendency to invert toward earlier ego-ic forms. The anterior aspect is seen to be the same as the ontological basis. Illumined Mind S Intuitive Mind ?

5 INFINITE WAVES OF ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH Purusha Universal Being Ontological Levels no longer support/ generate Epistemes; but Set the Potential for the Psychic Being which in turn generates novel epistemes.

6 Universal Mind (VAM) Universal Being (E) INFINITE WAVES OF ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH POSTERIOR ASPECT INFINITE WAVES OF ONTOLOGICALHEIGHT ANTERIOR ASPECTPre-given realms unfold through states of Grace Deeper Ontological Realms are Accessed through Spiritual Growth “Surfing the Gap” Self completely suspended (literally floating) between “Ultimate Basis” and “Ultimate Truth” without hypothesizing either.

7 Universal Mind (VAM) Universal Being (E) INFINITE WAVES OF ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH POSTERIOR ASPECT INFINITE WAVES OF ONTOLOGICALHEIGHT ANTERIOR ASPECTPre-given realms unfold through states of Grace Deeper Ontological Realms are Accessed through Spiritual Growth S Arrow of Time on Epistemic Plane Structures Pre- constituting Self Structures Created through the Self

8 Universal Mind (VAM) Universal Being (E) INFINITE WAVES OF ONTOLOGICAL DEPTH POSTERIOR ASPECT INFINITE WAVES OF ONTOLOGICALHEIGHT ANTERIOR ASPECTPre-given realms unfold through states of Grace Deeper Ontological Realms are Accessed through Spiritual Growth S Arrow of Time on Epistemic Plane Structures Pre- constituting Self Structures Created through the Self S


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