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By Jack and Cormac. What we know He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. He grew up in Kenya with his Granny. He has a wife called Michelle. He also has two.

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Presentation on theme: "By Jack and Cormac. What we know He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. He grew up in Kenya with his Granny. He has a wife called Michelle. He also has two."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jack and Cormac

2 What we know He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. He grew up in Kenya with his Granny. He has a wife called Michelle. He also has two children called Malia and Sasha. He is the 44 th President of the USA. He does not like ice-cream.

3 The Obamas The Obama family members are Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha. We wont forget about you Bo.

4 Baracks Passport Name: Barack Hussein Obama II. Age: 49 years old. Gender: Male. Signature:

5 Barack Obama running for the Democratic Party. John McCain represents the Republican Party. OBAMA! MCCAIN! V The Election


7 What Obama has done in office He has captured Osama Bin Laden, the worlds most wanted terrorist. He still has not done what he promised such as changing the health system but he is working on it. He has passed more tax increases in middle America than any other President.


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