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Smart Grid with a Customer Focus: OG&E Smart Study TOGEther

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Grid with a Customer Focus: OG&E Smart Study TOGEther"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Grid with a Customer Focus: OG&E Smart Study TOGEther
Mike Farrell Director of Customer Programs, OG&E

2 The Customer Focused Smart Grid Vision…
Customer Empowerment Rate Structures Advanced Metering Infrastructure Distribution Automation Home Area Networks

3 Demand Response Pilot Goals (June 1, 2010 – October 1, 2010)
Assess the impact of multiple levels of enabling technology combined with different dynamic pricing rates on a customer’s energy consumption. Determine if enough peak energy shifting can be achieved to delay capital investments in incremental generation sources. Determine program impacts on energy conservation.

4 Positive Energy Smart Study TOGEtherTM: Guiding Principles
Demand Response (DR) results will be obtained through customer empowerment. OG&E will not utilize any direct control of customer equipment or appliances. Customers will be provided time differentiated pricing and be allowed to choose their balance of cost versus comfort. Enabling technology will be provided to customer at no cost. The sample will reflect the demographic makeup of OG&E’s customer population.

5 Smart Study TOGEther Rates
VPP TOU Residential General Service

6 Giving Customers the Tools They Need…

7 DR Study Equipment Matrix
Technology Standard Residential R-VPP R-TOU CPP Standard Commercial C-VPP C-TOU CPP Web Portal 200 66 IHD PCT Web Portal, IHD & PCT Control 400 132

8 OG&E Customer Reaction
Customer’s reactions to OG&E’s program has been overwhelmingly positive. During focus group sessions, almost all potential customers ended sessions eager to sign up for the program because of the potential benefits. One telling story is that the camera man, who was filming the focus group sessions, asked, “Where do I sign up?!” As of January 18th, 2010, 1,112 customers have filled out a pre-enrollment form. Smart Grid embraces the “Three A’s”. Awareness which promotes Attention which may prompt Action.

9 Mike Farrell Authored by: Gary Murphy
Director of Customer Programs, OG&E Gary Murphy Director, The Structure Group, AMI & Smart Grid Practice

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