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Outline Neuronal excitability Nature of neuronal electrical signals Convey information over distances Convey information to other cells via synapses Signals.

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Outline Neuronal excitability Nature of neuronal electrical signals Convey information over distances Convey information to other cells via synapses Signals.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline Neuronal excitability Nature of neuronal electrical signals Convey information over distances Convey information to other cells via synapses Signals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline Neuronal excitability Nature of neuronal electrical signals Convey information over distances Convey information to other cells via synapses Signals depend on changes in electrical potential Resting potential concepts Action potential Properties of action potentials (APs) Dynamics of potential explained by changes in Na+ and K+ permeabilities Voltage clamp (review) Na+ channel activation and inactivation kinetics K+ channel activation (and inactivation) kinetics AP propagation Ion transporters and Ion channels Complementary functions to maintain and use electrochemical gradient Transporters… Generate concentration gradients Channels… Use concentration gradients to make electrical signals

2 Outline Neuronal excitability Nature of neuronal electrical signals Convey information over distances Convey information to other cells via synapses Signals depend on changes in electrical potential Resting potential concepts Action potential Properties of action potentials (APs) Dynamics of potential explained by changes in Na+ and K+ permeabilities Voltage clamp (review) Na+ channel activation and inactivation kinetics K+ channel activation (and inactivation) kinetics AP propagation Ion transporters and Ion channels Complementary functions to maintain and use electrochemical gradient Transporters… Generate concentration gradients Channels… Use concentration gradients to make electrical signals

3 Figure 2.1 Types of neuronal electrical signals
neuro4e-fig jpg

4 Figure 2.2 Recording passive and active electrical signals in a nerve cell
neuro4e-fig jpg

5 Outline Neuronal excitability Nature of neuronal electrical signals Convey information over distances Convey information to other cells via synapses Signals depend on changes in electrical potential Resting potential concepts Action potential Properties of action potentials (APs) Dynamics of potential explained by changes in Na+ and K+ permeabilities Voltage clamp (review) Na+ channel activation and inactivation kinetics K+ channel activation (and inactivation) kinetics AP propagation Ion transporters and Ion channels Complementary functions to maintain and use electrochemical gradient Transporters… Generate concentration gradients Channels… Use concentration gradients to make electrical signals

6 Figure 2.3 Transporters and channels move ions across neuronal membranes
neuro4e-fig jpg

7 Figure 2.4 Electrochemical equilibrium
neuro4e-fig jpg

8 Ek = 58/z * log [K]2/[K]1 = 58 log 1/10 = -58 mV
Nernst equation Ek = 58/z * log [K]2/[K]1 = 58 log 1/10 = -58 mV

9 Figure 2.5 Membrane potential influences ion fluxes
neuro4e-fig jpg

10 Goldman equation – multiple ionic species and permeabilities
(PK[K]2+PNa[Na]2+PCl[Cl]1 V = 58 log (PK[K]1+PNa[Na]1+PCl[Cl]2 Reduces to Nernst if only one ion present or permeable… Ek = 58/z * log [K]2/[K]1 = 58 log 1/10 = -58 mV

11 Figure 2.6 Resting and action potentials arise from differential permeability to ions
neuro4e-fig jpg

12 neuro4e-table jpg

13 Figure 2.7 Resting membrane potential is determined by the K+ concentration gradient
neuro4e-fig jpg

14 Box 2A The Remarkable Giant Nerve Cells of Squid

15 Figure 2.8 The role of Na+ in the generation of an action potential in a squid giant axon
neuro4e-fig jpg

16 Box 2B Action Potential Form and Nomenclature

17 Outline Neuronal excitability Nature of neuronal electrical signals Convey information over distances Convey information to other cells via synapses Signals depend on changes in electrical potential Resting potential concepts Action potential Properties of action potentials (APs) Dynamics of potential explained by changes in Na+ and K+ permeabilities Voltage clamp (review) Na+ channel activation and inactivation kinetics K+ channel activation (and inactivation) kinetics AP propagation Ion transporters and Ion channels Complementary functions to maintain and use electrochemical gradient Transporters… Generate concentration gradients Channels… Use concentration gradients to make electrical signals

18 Box 3A The Voltage Clamp Technique

19 Figure 3.1 Current flow across a squid axon membrane during a voltage clamp experiment
neuro4e-fig jpg

20 Figure 3.2 Current produced by membrane depolarizations to several different potentials
neuro4e-fig jpg

21 Figure 3.3 Relationship between current amplitude and membrane potential
neuro4e-fig jpg

22 Figure 3.4 Dependence of the early inward current on sodium
neuro4e-fig jpg

23 Outline Neuronal excitability Nature of neuronal electrical signals Convey information over distances Convey information to other cells via synapses Signals depend on changes in electrical potential Resting potential concepts Action potential Properties of action potentials (APs) Dynamics of potential explained by changes in Na+ and K+ permeabilities Voltage clamp (review) Na+ channel activation and inactivation kinetics K+ channel activation (and inactivation) kinetics AP propagation Ion transporters and Ion channels Complementary functions to maintain and use electrochemical gradient Transporters… Generate concentration gradients Channels… Use concentration gradients to make electrical signals

24 Figure 3.5 Pharmacological separation of Na+ and K+ currents
neuro4e-fig jpg

25 Figure 3.6 Membrane conductance changes underlying the action potential are time- and voltage-dependent neuro4e-fig jpg

26 Figure 3.7 Depolarization increases Na+ and K+ conductances of the squid giant axon
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27 Figure 3.8 Mathematical reconstruction of the action potential
neuro4e-fig jpg

28 Box 3B Threshold neuro4e-box-03-b-0.jpg

29 Figure 3.10 Passive current flow in an axon
neuro4e-fig jpg

30 Box 3C(1) Passive Membrane Properties

31 Box 3C(2) Passive Membrane Properties

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