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Hege-René Hansen Åsand Institutt for Informasjonsvitenskap Universitetet i Bergen ICT in education - the role of the facilitator.

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Presentation on theme: "Hege-René Hansen Åsand Institutt for Informasjonsvitenskap Universitetet i Bergen ICT in education - the role of the facilitator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hege-René Hansen Åsand Institutt for Informasjonsvitenskap Universitetet i Bergen ICT in education - the role of the facilitator

2 content projects questions design method preliminary findings summary references

3 project From chaos to knowledge  background  models  tools  setting

4 project: background From chaos to knowledge  spearheaded by NSD in co-operation with HEMIL-centre The Educational Department at Bergen University College  funded by ITU and one of the main projects for the period ranging between 2000-2003.  the primary goal: Develop and evaluate learning effectiveness of two pedagogical-technologocal model, based on Problem-based learning  students as researchers

5 project: models Interactive whiteboard model (ITM) Project work model(PAM)

6 project: tools  NSDstat school Statistical software nsd  Window towards the Society 1 ICT-based learning package nsd  Internet

7 project: setting  12 secondary and upper-secondary schools in Hordaland County  subject domain: social science (gender role and partnerships)  one classin upper-secondary school, 17 pupils the pupils are familiar with the use of computers the teacher have good knowledge about the software and the use of computers

8 questions perspective: teacher as facilitator  how does the dialogue between the pupils and the teacher start?  who is initiating the dialogue?  what kind of dialogues are taking place?  categories – facilitator roles: support domain authority organiser task interpreter conversational peer Andreas Lund Institute of Teacher Education and School Development University of Oslo

9 design knowledge building unit of analysis  one group of pupils  the teacher

10 theory expand the knowledge level (Vygotsky, ZPD)

11 method data collection  video  observation  interview  questionary videorecording  one group of pupils  camera on tripod  observing in the background

12 preliminary findings how does the dialogue between the pupils and the teacher start? findings:  Situations lesson start-up, plenary breakdowns, pupils out of focus, what now? pupils asking for help teacher look up the groups, asking about progress

13 preliminary findings who is initiating the dialogue? findings:  both pupils and teacher initiate the dialogue  who: depends on the situation pupils - what now? - is this right? teacher - control - asking about progress - giving advice

14 preliminary findings what kind of dialogues are taking place? findings:  categories of roles for the facilitator/teacher using different roles, shifting all the time expected the support role to be distinctive…...but all roles where presence  motivation important!

15 summary when using ICT in education, the teacher have a new role - support important that the teacher have knowledge about the software the teachers confidence with the use of ICT, have influence on the pupils external factors have influence on both teacher and pupils preparatory work is important

16 more information?  e-mail:  homepage:  DoCTA – NSS  From chaos to knowledge

17 references Bødker, S. (1996). Applying activity teory to video analysis: How to make sense of video data, in B.A. Nardi, Ed., ”Context and consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-computer Interaction, MA:MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 147-174 Enger, K. Project description: Fra Kunnskap til Kaos. Available on the web 27.03.01: Engeström, Y. (1987), Learning By Expanding: An activity-theoretical approach to developmental research, Orieta-Konsultit Oy, Helsinki. Høyland, A., Omdahl, K. And H. Åsand (2001), Video as Technique for Data Collection in two CSCL Studies, in Paper presentet at IRIS24, Norway, Hellevik, Ottar, (1991), Forskningsmetode i sosiologi og statsvitenskap, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Jordan, B., & A. Henderson (1995), Interaction analysis: Foundations and practice. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. Available on the web 10.02.01: Koshmann, T. (1996), Paradigm shifts and instructional technology: An introduction, in T. Koschmann, Ed., ‘CSCL: Theory and Practice of an Emerging Paradigm, Lawrence Erlbaum Assosiates, New Jersey.

18 references Muukkonen, H., K. Hakkarainen, L. Lipponen & T. Leinonen (1999), Computer Support for Knowledge Building, in 'Paper presented at the Ninth European Congress on Work and Organizational Psycology', Espoo-Helsinki, Finland, May 15, Available on the web 08.04.01 at Pettersen, R. C., (2000), PBL - Problembasert læring – for studenten, Universitetsforlaget, Otta, Norway. Potter, J. (1997), Discourse analysis as a way of analysing naturally occuring talk, in D. Silverman, Ed., ‘Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice’, SAGE Publications, London. Ruhleder, K., & B. Jordan (1997), Capturing Complex, Distributed Activities–Video–Based Interaction Analysis as a Component of workplace Ethnography. Available on the Web 08.02.01: Scardamalia, M. & C. Bereiter (1996). Computer support for knowledge-building communities. In T. Koschmann, Ed., ‘CSCL: Theory and practice of an emerging. Suchman, L. & R. H. Trigg (1991), Understanding Practice: Video as a Medium for Reflection and Design, in J. Greenbaum and M. Kyng, eds., ‘Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems’, Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey

19 references Säljö, Roger, (2000), ”Lärande i praktiken – ett sociokulturellt perspektiv”, Stockholm: Bokförlaget Prisma Vygotsky, L.S., (1978), ”Mind in Society”, Cambridge: Harvard University Press Yin, R. K., (1994), Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Second Edition, ‘Applied Social Research Methods Series’, Volume 5, SAGE Publications

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